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Назва: Вивчення гострої токсичності бактерицидного засобу на основі ефірних олій
Інші назви: Study of acute toxicity of bactericidal remedy on the basis of essential oils
Автори: Коваленко, В. Л.
Гаркавенко, В. М.
Пономаренко, Г. В.
Пономаренко, О. В.
Ігнатьєва, Т. М.
Пономарьова, С. А.
Ключові слова: ефірні олії;наночастинки металів;бактерицидний засіб;токсичність;лабораторні тварини;essential oils;nanoparticles of metals;bactericidal remedy;toxicity;laboratory animals
Дата публікації: 29-чер-2018
Видавництво: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Бібліографічний опис: Вивчення гострої токсичності бактерицидного засобу на основі ефірних олій. В. Л. Коваленко, В. М. Гаркавенко, Г. В. Пономаренко, О. В. Пономаренко, Т. М. Ігнатьєва, С. А. Пономарьова. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 1. С. 101-105. http://ojs.hdzva.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/86
Серія/номер: № 1;
Короткий огляд (реферат): За результатами досліджень встановлено, що гостра токсичність засобу «Барез», на основі ефірних олій рослин чебрецю, піхти, евкаліпту, наночастинок металів та бензалконія хлориду, становить LD50 – 5000 мг/кг живої маси тварин. Бактерицидний засіб не має кумулятивних властивостей. Десятикратні концентрації препарату не викликають подразнення, не мають сенсибілізуючих властивостей та нетоксичні при пероральному введенні в живий організм. Гематологічні показники периферичної крові мишей за обробки 0,5 % розчином препарату «Барез» достовірно не змінювались. За встановленими ознаками робочі розчини дезінфікуючого засобу «Барез» віднесено до 4 класу (малотоксичні) щодо небезпечності.
The search for new therapeutic substances that have a prophylactic effect, such as essential oils, is increasingly in demand. The value of the therapeutic effect of essential oils is that they simultaneously have pronounced antimicrobial activity and they are excellent immune modulators. Essential oils quickly penetrate the skin, upper respiratory tract, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, both by diffusion and by active passing through membrane channels, which contributes to their diverse application. Taking into account the urgency of the problem, the purpose of the study was to determine acute toxicity and the harmful effect of the drug «Barez» on the basis of essential oils of thyme, foam, and eucalyptus, nanoparticles of metals and benzalkonium chloride on the organism of laboratory animals. To determine the acute toxicity of the drug «Barez», there were formed six experimental and one control groups of white mice weighing 20-25 g, 3-4 weeks old, 10 heads in each group. The irritating and sensitizing effect of the drug "Barez" was studied on three experimental and one control groups of Guinea pigs with a body weight of 340-380g, 5 heads in each group. The skin resorptive effect of the test substance was studied on white mice weighing 20-25 g, the skin of which had no available signs of pathology. Hematological parameters of peripheral blood of mice were studied according to commonly accepted methods. When studying the parameters of nonspecific resistance under the influence of the developed bactericidal remedy «Barez» there was determined the maximum tolerant, toxic and lethal doses of the preparation. The results of the studies showed that, in 15 days after the start of oral administration of various concentrations of Barez, its acute toxicity was LD50 - 5000 mg/kg of live weight. When studying the properties of the drug «Barez» concerning its cumulative effect, according to the results of experimental and control animals observation during the entire duration of the experiment, there were not revealed any deviations in behavior, physiological functions remained normal. There was no death of animals. When studying the irritating effect of the drug «Barez» on the skin of experimental animals in 1% and 3% concentrations of solution, no visible changes in the epidermis were detected. In addition, the solutions of the drug «Barez» did not affect the behavior of animals in the experimental group. According to the results of the study of sensitizing action of the disinfectant «Barez» it was found that the drug in tenfold concentration does not cause irritating and sensitizing effects. When studying the skin-resorptive properties of the drug «Barez», when applying 1% and 3% concentration of solutions, no signs of toxicity of the disinfectant were found, as evidenced by the results of the research - all the mice remained alive with the preservation of appetite and the adequacy of behavior. Treatment of animals with 0.5% solution of the drug «Barez» does not affect general hemopoiesis and causes slight temporary eosinophilia and lymphocytosis, which were optimized to normal within 7 days after application of the drug. According to the determined features, the working solutions of disinfectant «Barez» are classified as class 4 (low toxicity) with regard to hazardousness.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/23790
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