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Назва: Вплив альтану на метаболізм печінки лабораторних тварин за експериментального гепатиту викликаного парацетамолом
Інші назви: Effect of altan on metabolism of liver in laboratory animals with experimental hepatitis caused by paracetamol
Автори: Гордієнко, А. Д.
Карнау, А. С.
Ключові слова: альтан;силібор;гепатопротекторна дія;парацетамол;altan;sylibor;hepatoprotective action;paracetamol
Дата публікації: 29-чер-2018
Видавництво: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Бібліографічний опис: Гордієнко А. Д., Карнау А. С. Вплив альтану на метаболізм печінки лабораторних тварин за експериментального гепатиту викликаного парацетамолом. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 1. С. 91-94. http://ojs.hdzva.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/83
Серія/номер: № 1;
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті наведено результати впливу поліфенольного препарату таблеток альтан (суми елаготанінів із шишок вільхи клейкої) на біохімічні показники печінки і сироватки крові при ураженні печінки щурів парацетамолом. Встановлено, що альтан нормалізує показники вуглеводного, білкового, ліпідного обмінів, відновлює процеси жовчоутворення і жовчовиділення. За впливом на метаболічні, цитолітичні процеси та за функціональною активністю печінки альтан не поступався препарату силібор.
The results of the effect of the polyphenol drug, altan tablets, at the dose of 1,0 mg/kg (the sum of elagotanins from the cones of alder sticky on the biochemical values of liver and blood serum when the liver of the rats was damaged by paracetamol at the dose of 2,5g/kg have been presented in the article. The damage of the liver by paracetamol was accompanied by the significant disorder of its functional state. Thus, the increase in the activity of the enzyme AlAT by 1,4 times pointed to the development of hepatocyte cytolisis. The increase in the activity of alkaline phospatase (AP) in the blood serum by 1,9 times was detected and it was connected with the release of AP from the affected hepatocytes due to the toxic action of the drug. Paracetamol inhibited bile-formation and bile secretion functions of the liver. The indices of the bile secretion rate and the bile acid content greatly decreased by 1,6 and 1,4 times, respectively. The changes from the side of cholesterinogenesis were less expressed. Due to the paracetamol action the disorder of the carbohydrate metabolism, namely, the content of glycogen in the liver of the animals was 2, 4 times as low as its content in the liver of intact animals. Acute damage of the liver was accompanied by the inhibition of the protein-synthetic function of the liver. The content of protein in the blood serum significantly decreased by 1,8 times. Though the content of TBA- reactive products was not changed, the disorders of the functional state of the liver allowed to make the conclusion that due to the action of paracetamol at the dose 2,5 g/kg severe acute damage of the liver was detected that was manifested by the inhibition of bioenergetic processes. The results of the investigation have shown that altan as well as sylibor exerted the stabilizing influence on the development of experimentally-induced hepatitis. The administration of the tablets of altan at the dose of 1,0 mg/kg to the animals normalized protein-synthetic and glycogen-formation function of the liver that was proved by the significant increase in the content of the total protein in the blood serum and glycogen content in the liver tissue. From the side of the bile formation function the positive tendency of the restoration of the processes of cholato-and cholesterinogenesis, bile secretion rate as well as the decrease in the activity of LF to the level of intact animals was observed. Preservation of high values of the activity of marker enzymes AlAT and Ac AT in the conditions of the use of altan and sylibor was, possibly, due to the intensification of protective and compensatory mechanisms of the organ. Thus, the conducted investigations allow to make the conclusion that altan, a new polyphenol drug of the plant origin, exerts hepatoprotective action that is similar to hepatoprotective activity of the drug sylibor. The use of altan tablets at toxic hepatitis caused by paracetamol leads to the normalization of carbohydrate, protein, lipid metabolisms and the restoration of the processes of bile formation and bile secretion.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/23787
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