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Название: | Ефективність способів пригнічення статевої функції свинок на відгодівлі |
Другие названия: | The efficiency of methods foroppression reproductive function ingiltson fattening |
Авторы: | Васецька, А. І |
Ключевые слова: | свинки;хірургічний спосіб;спосіб пригнічення;пригнічення;механічний спосіб;молочна залоза;охота;статевий цикл;gilts;surgicalmethod;suppression;mechanicalmethod;non- surgicalmethod;mammarygland;heat;reproductioncycle |
Дата публикации: | 29-июн-2018 |
Издательство: | Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія |
Библиографическое описание: | Васецька А. І. Ефективність способів пригнічення статевої функції свинок на відгодівлі. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 1. С. 69-73. http://ojs.hdzva.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/74 |
Серия/номер: | № 1; |
Краткий осмотр (реферат): | В статті наведені дослідження ефективності трьох способів пригнічення статевої функції свинок на відгодівлі. Для дослідження було відібрано 26 свинок породи дюрок, віком 30-40 діб, масою 25-30 кг. Супресію статевої функції тварин проводилихірургічним способом, способом пригнічення і механічним способом пригнічення статевої функції. Виявлення тварин в охоті проводили за допомогою кнура-пробника та візуально (поведінка, стан вульви, та ін.).За тваринами спостерігали до 8 місячного віку. Після забою тварин матку та яєчники вимірювали і зважували. Методи пригнічення репродуктивної функціїу свинок є ефективними для пригнічення статевої функції і можуть використовуватись при відгодівлі тварин. The article presents the research of the effective nes sof three method sof suppressing there productive functio no fgiltsin fattening. For the study were selected 26 gilt sof the Durok breed, aged 30-40 days, weighing 25-30 kg. Suppression of reproductive function of animals was carriedo ut surgically, by method of suppression and by mechanical method. There wereformed fo urgroups of animals analogues. The first group of gilts (n = 6) was control. No mani pulations were conducted with that animals. In the second group of animals (n = 7), mammary gland nipples weretied up. his method was carriedo ut by pierced ligature in the basis of the last two pairs of nipples of the mammary gland. In the third group of animals (n = 6), the last pair of nipples of the mammary gland was pulled out with clamps for the umbilical cord of new borns childs. Animals of the four th group (n = 7) the last pair of nipples were clamping by compression and scrolling 180 degrees around the iris on the right and left side several times. The detection of animals in heat was carriedo using a probe boar and visually examination (behavior, vulva state, etc.). Animals were observed until 8 months of age After slaughter, the uterus do varies were measured and weighed. Способы подавления репродуктивной функции эффективны в позолотах и могут использоваться для откорма животных. Damage resulting from ligation of nipples of the mammary gland, superimposition of umbilical clamps for new borns childrens, torsion and compression of nipples in the pigs manifest in the form of local inflammatory reaction. The animal's organism quickly responded to an injury in the form of an increasing traumatic edema, which in the future took the nature of the inflammatory. In the experimental animals of the second, third and fourth groups of signs of inflammatory edema appeared on the third day of experiment. In the control group, all six pigs came into heat at the age of 4 months, the heat sights were very vivid in animals (refusal of food, they moved a lot, jumped on other gilts of this group). On average, the repoductive cycle in the gilts of this group lasted from 18 to 21 days throughout the experiment. In the second experimental group, where were animals with ligatures, two gilts did not show any sights of heat (28.6%). Two gilts (28.6%) of the group removed the ligature and later came to heat, and in the future they have a reproduction cycle that lasted 17 - 22 days. Not pronounced, "quiet" heating, during which there was no concern, refusal of food, increased activity was in three animals (42.8%). In the third group, two gilts (33.4%) did not come into heat. In one animal (16.6%) the stage of reproduction heatingpreceded asymptomatic - "quiet" heat. Three gilts (50%) came in the heat, but it was observed that the clamps were falling down or removed by other animals of this group. In the fourth experimental group, the stage of heat was observed in two pigs (28.6%). "Quiet" heat, was in two animals (28.6%). Three animals from this group did not come into heat (42.8%) until the end of the experiment. In the two animals, heat was observed 2 months after the torsionof mammary gland nipples, and in our opinion, the main cause could be insufficiently strong distortion, torsion and squeezing of the nipples of the mammary gland. |
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): | https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/23716 |
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