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Назва: Освіта як чинник соціально-економічного розвитку
Education as a factor of social-economic development
Автори: Кулініч, Оксана Андріївна
Зарецька, Лілія Миколаївна
Ключові слова: освіта;образование;економіка;передумови;послуга;постіндустріалізація;потенціал;реформа;бюджет;інвестиції;управління;экономика;предпосылки;услуга;постиндустриализация;потенциал;реформа;бюджет;инвестиции;управление;еducation;economy;pre-conditions;favour;postindustrialization;potential;reform;budget;investments;management
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавництво: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Бібліографічний опис: Кулініч О.А., Зарецька Л.М. Освіта як чинник соціально-економічного розвитку. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2014. Вип. 1(19). С. 199-208.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Досліджено роль освіти в економічному розвитку в умовах становлення ринкових відносин в Україні. Проаналізовано зміни освітніх потреб суспільства при переході до постіндустріального розвитку. Уточнено соціально-економічну суть освітньої послуги. Розкрито соціально-економічні передумови трансформації та економічні проблеми розвитку системи освіти в Україні.
The role of education in economic development in the conditions of the market relations formation in Ukraine is investigated. Changes of educational requirements of the society upon transition to post-industrial development are analyzed. The social and economic essence of educational service is specified. The leading role of the state in creation of operating conditions of an education system in the conditions of formation of the market relations in Ukraine is defined. Social and economic prerequisites of transformation and economic problems of the education system development in Ukraine are revealed. Higher education system as realization of the role of education in spatial development of economy is considered. It is offered to use quantitative relation of the comparison of education system productivity and the improvement of innovative qualities of public product increase as a reliable assessment of the effective economic role of education. It is proved that long-term reforming of educational sphere leaves efficiency of economic role of education low in all regions of Ukraine, and growth of a number of highly educated persons isn't accompanied by satisfactory dynamics of the investment activity of market entities. Imperfection of functions differentiation, powers and sources of the education financing at the state, regional and local level that doesn't allow using effectively funds which are allocated for the development of education is proved. The solution of problems concerning realization of uniform state educational policy at all levels, preservation of educational institutions independence and formation of resistant sources for their financing that is possible at the expense of multichannel financing mechanisms, including financing via the mechanism of joint possession and change of functions of governing bodies by education, by means of combining public and state forms of government education at all levels is considered. In recent years a significant amount of data which confirm the existence of a direct link between the investments into education and economic growth, where the essential role is played by the society’s expenses on higher education, has been analyzed. It is proved that improvement investments into the human capital quality is directly relevant to the economic growth.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/1942
Розташовується у зібраннях:Випуск 1 (19)

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