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Название: Застосування стимуляції і синхронізації охоти у боротьбі з неплідністю корів
Другие названия: Application of stimulation and synchronization of sexual hunting in the treatment of infertility in cows
Авторы: Євтух, Л. Г.
Грищук, Г. П.
Ковальчук, Ю. В.
Ключевые слова: корови;стимуляція;синхронізація;статева охота;неплідність;cows;stimulation;synchronization;sexual hunt;infertility
Дата публикации: 25-мая-2021
Издательство: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Библиографическое описание: Євтух Л. Г., Грищук Г. П., Ковальчук Ю. В. Застосування стимуляції і синхронізації охоти у боротьбі з неплідністю корів. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2021. № 7. С.35-39. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2021.07.05
Серия/номер: № 7;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): За гормональної стимуляції статевої охоти у корів, як способу боротьби з неплідністю, заплідненість після першого осіменіння складала 47,14 %, після другого введення гормональних препаратів – 38,1 %, загальна кількість корів, які були запліднені – 66,2 % від тих, яких піддавали гормональній обробці. В результаті цього вихід телят становив 93,5 %. Ефективність стимуляції на початкових стадіях розвитку кіст, за персистентного жовтого тіла – 56 %.
The reproduction of a cattle livestock is one of the most significant and complex tasks for the livestock production. The main factor in the intensive development of the dairy cattle industry is the implementation of a reproducible potential prompting the search for tools and methods that would solve the problem of reducing the terms of use of cows, decrease in the figures for cattle reproduction and the number of replacement young stock. In modern dairy farms, the method of stimulation and synchronization of sexual hunting in cows, which excludes not only the need for its detection, but also helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases and is relevant in the management of infertility. The research is aimed at determining the effectiveness of hormonal stimulation of sexual hunting in cows as a way to combat infertility. The research was conducted from 2020 to early 2021on the basis of 520 cows and 80 heifers of the Holstein Red-Rescue breed belonging to LLC “Semenovsky”, Lipovodolinsky district, Sumy region. In order to establish functional sexual disorders, the cows that did not come in the hunt for 24-30 days after calving or showed the hunt repeatedly, as well as those which demonstrated the hunt in a month after reaching their physiological maturity and did not show signs of sexual activity were selected for the research. Thus, the groups of cows that were synchronized and stimulated with the use of estrogens and utaglandones according to the protocol “Ovsinh” were formed. Totally there were 210 processed cows, after the calving of which more than 90 days had passed. During the experiment, a persistent yellow body was diagnosed in 42 cows, while 33 cows were diagnosed with the initial stages of cyst development. In early 2021, all cows, which were subjected to induction and synchronization with subsequent artificial insemination calved. After the first insemination, fertility which happened in the result of synchronization was 47,14 %, and after the second injection of hormonal preparations it accounted for 38,1 %. The total number of cows fertilized for stimulation made up 66,2 % of those which were subjected to hormonal processing. As a result, the birth of calves constituted 93,5 %. At the initial stages of the development of cysts with the presence of a persistent yellow body, the efficiency of stimulation was 56 %. Thus, the application of the scheme of stimulation and synchronization of “Ovsinh” will be effective in combating infertility in cows and can be used to improve the number of livestock.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/1866
Располагается в коллекциях:№7

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