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Title: Структура і стан лісових насаджень Володимирівського ПНДВ НПП «Слобожанський»
Other Titles: Структура и состояние лесных насаждений Владимировского ПНИО НПП «Слобожанский»
The structure and condition of forests Volodymyrivske department of NNP «Slobozhansky»
Authors: Пастернак, В. П.
Яроцький, В. Ю.
Гармаш, А. В.
Keywords: моніторинг, типи лісу, санітарний стан, природне поновлення, відмерла деревина, НПП, ГІС-технології.;мониторинг, типы леса, санитарное состояние, естественное возобновление, отмершая древесина, НПП, ГИС-технологии.;inventory, monitoring, forest types, biodiversity, NNP, GIS technology.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєва
Citation: Пастернак В. П., Яроцький В. Ю., Гармаш А. В. Структура і стан лісових насаджень Володимирівського ПНДВ НПП «Слобожанський». 2016. № 2. С. 115-124
Series/Report no.: Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство;№ 2
Abstract: Наведено результати досліджень структури і стану лісових насаджень у Володимирівському природоохоронному науково-дослідному відділенні (ПНДВ) національного природного парку (НПП) «Слобожанський». Оцінено лісівничо-таксаційні показники насаджень, санітарний стан деревостанів, виявлено закономірності розвитку природного поновлення, кількісні та якісні показники структури відмерлої деревини. Сформовано базу даних з характеристиками ділянок
Приведены результаты исследования структуры и состояния лесных насаждений Владимировского природоохранного научно исследовательского отделения НПП «Слобожанский». Установлены лесоводственно-таксационные показатели насаждений, санитарное состояние древостоев, закономерности естественного возобновления, количественные и качественные показатели структуры отмершей древесины. Сформирована база данных с характеристиками участков.
The objects of natural reserve fund are the benchmark for study of natural processes and phenomena. The use of advanced information technology makes it possible to form a database and digital maps of the studied area, which is necessary for long-term monitoring. The study was conducted in the National Natural Park (NNP) «Slobozhansky» located in Krasnokutsk district of Kharkiv region. According to physical and geographic zone, the NNP refers to Left-Bank Dnepr forest steppe region. It is necessary to carry out the permanent monitoring and detailed studies of the National park. Volodymyrivske department of «Slobozhansky NNP» is located at the valley of the rivers Merla and Merchyk and their small inflows. The lower terrace of valleys is occupied by floodplain meadows, partly swampy; somewhere there are areas of floodplain forests. The second (pine) terrace extends along the left bank of the river relatively broad band and it consists of gently undulating hills and marshy basins (ancient oxbow lakes), covered with forest or meadow marsh vegetation. At pine terrace there are pine and oak pine forests, forming a large continuous forest. Dry poor forests (A1) are confined to the top of hills, slopes and even parts are represented by fresh relatively poor forests conditions (B2). For the lower parts of hollows relatively rich soils are typical (C2-3). The aim of research was working out forest typology and geobotanical methods using GIS technologies at protected areas of high rank, establishment of permanent plots at the territory of Volodymyrivske department. For the evaluation of forest stands of Volodymyrivske department permanent plots were established. In describing the plots indicators relating to the different components of the forest ecosystem (stand, undergrowth, dead wood, etc.) were assessed. At each plot tree species and number of seedlings by age, height groups and vitality were determined. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of dead wood were assessed. Dead wood was differentiated on laying dead wood, and standing dead wood; for each piece of dead wood the volume was determined on the base of diameter and height/length, as well as tree species and stage of decomposition (five classes). For laying dead wood also the type of rot was stated. For the field work in NNP «Slobozhansky» technology Field-Map was used, that provides an opportunity to conduct repeated descriptions and measurements of plots noting changes at the level of each element (trees, dead wood, etc.) for the monitoring purpose. As a result of this work the database of inventory and monitoring plots was obtained. At plots the most typical forest types and stands are presented. Sanitary condition of stands is good, indexes of sanitary condition without deadwood ranges from 1.0 to 1.31, and including deadwood – from 1.0 to 1.74. The share of damaged trees is 3.7%, the main type is damage of needles and leaves by insects and diseases, mechanical damage (open wounds) and resin flows. Natural regeneration is represented mainly by pine, oak, birch. The largest groups are in canopy gaps or on edges of forest stand. At study plots, there is a vital undergrowth of different age in all forest types, but more often it grows singly. Self-seeding often forms a brush, but up to 3-4 years the majority did not survive, due to unfavorable light conditions and humidity, dense ground vegetation and underbrush. The average total stock of dead wood is 30 m3 • ha-1, or 7 % of the growing stock. Dead wood is characterized by relatively high value of the average stage of decomposition. This indicates a shift in balance toward expansion, but not the formation of dead wood. The fragmentation of dead wood, its small size contributes to its rapid degradation negatively affects its accumulation. Diversity of dead wood by species composition is very low (mainly represented by pine). At the same time, its diversity by stages of decomposition is quite high, both by the representation of varying stages of decomposition and evenness of their number.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету імені В. В. Докучаєва : зб. наук. пр..- Харків. Серія, Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство, екологія ґрунтів. 2016 № 2

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