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dc.contributor.authorКрамаренко, Дмитро Павлович-
dc.contributor.authorГіренко, Наталія Ігорівна-
dc.contributor.authorДуб, Володимир Васильович-
dc.identifier.citationКрамаренко Д. П., Гіренко Н. І., Дуб В. В. Дослідження дисперсних систем для створення полікомпонентних фаршевих мас. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2016. Вип. 2(24). C. 360-368.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractНаведено результати експериментальних досліджень реологічних властивостей дисперсних систем для створення полікомпонентних фаршевих мас. Отримано залежності основного реологічного показника для фаршевої системи - граничної напруги зсуву. Досліджено зміни граничної напруги зсуву від зміни співвідношення компонентів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractKnowledge of basic rheological indicators forming a structure of semifinished and finished food products, allows us to properly assess their quality, in a timely manner to ensure the control and regulation of technological processes in various stages of production. Important technological characteristics defining the ability of such semifinished products to the formation, through which most reliably possible to judge the consistency and therefore the quality characteristics of meat is the threshold voltage shift The article presents the results of experimental investigations of rheological properties of dispersed systems to create multi-component stuffing masses. The dependences of the main realnogo indicator for the stuffing system of the limiting shear stress. Investigated the change in the marginal shear stress from the change in the ratio of components. Three of the investigated multicomponent systems: "cutlet meat – cheese", "hamburger meat – carrots", "onions – mushrooms". The authors found the variation index limit stress sdvigom the degree of interaction of the system components among themselves. The total threshold voltage shift pureed carrot mass exceeds the threshold voltage shift cutlet of meat by 12.04...of 13.03% and therefore increase the concentration of carrots in the system by 10% increases the threshold voltage shift system 3.7...6.5% based on the total concentration cutlet of meat in the system. The threshold voltage shift cutlet of meat higher than that in acidic cheese on 35,01...37,30%. Therefore, the increase in the percentage of meat in the system by 10% increases the threshold voltage shift 3.82 to 4.01%, and the percentage sour cheese 10% reduces the threshold voltage shift by 4.71...4,32%. The increase in the percentage of mushrooms in the system by 10% increases the total threshold voltage shift of a disperse system by 1.66...of 1.78% and the increase in percentage of onions in the system decreases by 1.17..of 1.34%. The obtained rheological characteristics of disperse systems can be used to select the optimum technological processes of mixing, portioning, moulding) for the production of semi-finished products based on multicomponent stuffing masses. Implementation studies will allow to obtain finished products permanent, predetermined quality at a centralized production cross section of products. The obtained experimental data and mathematical relationship will be used when designing the prescription of new semi-finished products with plant and animal components.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectдисперсна системаuk_UA
dc.subjectнапруга зсувуuk_UA
dc.subjectфаршева масаuk_UA
dc.subjectдисперсная системаuk_UA
dc.subjectнапряжение сдвигаuk_UA
dc.subjectфаршевая массаuk_UA
dc.subjectdisperse systemuk_UA
dc.subjectshear stressuk_UA
dc.subjectforcemeat massuk_UA
dc.titleДослідження дисперсних систем для створення полікомпонентних фаршевих масuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe study of disperse systems for creating multi-component stuffing masses-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (24)

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