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Назва: Динаміка процесу різання грунтів відвалом автогрейдера
Інші назви: Dynamics of soil cutting process by dump of motor grader
Автори: Лютенко, В. Є.
Запорожець, М. О.
Ключові слова: автогрейдер;відвал;математична модель;динаміка процесу різання;автоколивальний процес;autogenerator;dump;mathematical model;dynamics of cutting process;autoclaving process
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: ХНТУСГ
Бібліографічний опис: Лютенко В. Є., Запорожець М. О. Динаміка процесу різання грунтів відвалом автогрейдера. Вісник Харківського національного технічного університету сільського господарства, Вип. 192 «Проблеми надійності машин». 2018. С. 62-73.
Серія/номер: Вісник Харків. нац. техн. ун-т сіл. госп-ва ім. П. Василенка, № 192;
Короткий огляд (реферат): В роботі теоретично досліджено, з використанням математичного програмного середовища MathCAD, динаміку процесу різання ґрунтів відвалом автогрейдера і отримано результати які можуть бути використані при проектуванні, розрахунку та визначенні динамічних навантажень на його робоче обладнання.
Motor grader - a workable and mobile machine, which is one of the main machines in the technological complex of road construction, has a significant productivity, which can be greatly increased when studying the dynamic loads on it during work and as a result of improving its design. An overview of literary sources, inventions, and patents has shown that motor graders have been neglected and full information about them is missing. This is especially true for scientific research of the process of cutting of soils in the dump of the motor grader. On the basis of the analysis of patent sources, periodicals, Internet sites of firms of manufacturers of construction equipment the main perspective directions of improvement of the working equipment of motor graders are determined. Therefore, it is urgent to create more advanced types of motor graders and modernization of existing, as well as the development of new methods of calculation and research of the working processes of these machines on what this work is aimed at. The purpose of the work is to study the process of cutting the soil in a dump motor grader. To achieve the goal, the task was to: theoretically investigate the process of soil destruction by the dump of the motor grader. In the review part of the work, an overview of the work on upgrading the working equipment of motor graders and reviewed the trends of the working equipment of motor graders. In the scientific part of the work the dynamics of the soil cutting process is considered in the dump of the motor grader, the results of calculations are obtained and graphs constructed using the mathematical application MathCAD are considered. In order to achieve higher reliability of the results, the process of cutting the soils of the dump motor grader we studied using the mathematical application of MathCAD as a result, a mathematical model of dynamic processes was developed that included the differential equations of motion of the mechanical system. According to the results of theoretical studies, graphs are constructed. The obtained results of calculations and constructed graphs, with application of the application MathCAD, confirmed the above theoretical positions when considering the dynamics of the process of cutting the soil by the motor grader. Analyzing the dynamics of soil cutting by motor grader, we can conclude that cutting - self-oscillating process. From the theory of oscillations it is known that the self-oscillating systems include conservative systems that are capable of performing non-damped periodic oscillations and characterized by the presence of the following basic components: a constant source of energy; oscillation system; a device that regulates the energy flow into a vibrational system from an energy source; feedback circuit between oscillating system and control device. In the work, using the MathCAD mathematical software environment, the dynamics of the soil cutting process in the dump of the motor grader is theoretically investigated and results can be obtained for designing, calculating and determining the dynamic loads on its working equipment.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/14003
Розташовується у зібраннях:Випуск 192: Проблеми надійності машин

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