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Title: Analysis of energy requirements for field cover
Other Titles: Аналіз енергетичних потреб при покритті польових площ
Анализ энергетических потребностей при покрытии полевых площадей
Authors: Barsukova, H. V.
Keywords: energy needs sown areas;estimation;cost reduction;modelling;optimization;енергетичні потреби;посівні площі;оцінка;зменшення витрат;моделювання;оптимізація;энергетические потребности;посевные площади;оценка;уменьшение расходов;моделирование;оптимизация
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: ХНТУСГ
Citation: Barsukova H. V. Analysis of energy requirements for field cover. Інженерія природокористування. 2020. № 2 (16). С. 120-127.
Series/Report no.: Інженерія природокористування;№ 2 (16)
Abstract: The presented material provides consideration of reduction of the energy needs received as a result of introduction of the optimized planning of a covering of the areas. This paper presents an assessment of the reduction of energy needs that arises as a result of the introduction of optimization of coverage of field areas. The assessment concerns the analysis of energy needs and the comparison between nonoptimized and optimized plans to cover the field area in the whole sequence of operations required in two different sowing systems: Miscanthus and Svitgrass production. An algorithmic approach for modeling field operations is developed, following both non-optimized and optimized samples of fieldwork. As a result, the corresponding time needs were assessed as a basis for further energy cost analysis. Based on the results, optimized routes reduce fuel energy consumption to 8 %, embodied energy consumption to 7 %, and total energy consumption from 3 % to 8 %. The methodology for assessing energy needs can be used in both food production systems and biomass production systems as a decision support system for the location of the machine system, as well as the choice of field coverage practices to achieve minimum energy consumption combined with minimum time. This study shows the minimum level of energy savings for specific crops, given that the forms of the physical field may be more complex than those presented here. The results of this study show a higher perspective of modern sustainable agricultural systems through the use of optimized field coverage. Algorithms such as those presented in this study can be applied to on-board systems of agricultural machinery, minimizing realtime energy costs and operational requirements.
ISSN: 2311-1828
Appears in Collections:№ 2 (16)

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