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Назва: Влияние обработки маточных растений крыжовника ретардантами на эффективность размножения in vitro
Інші назви: Influence of retardants application on the gooseberries mother plants on reproduction efficiently in vitro
Вплив обробітку маточних рослин аґрусу ретардантами на ефективність розмноження in vitro
Автори: Кобец, О.В.
Аладина, О.Н.
Ключові слова: apex;gooseberries;micropropagation;proliferation;retardant;explants;erodibility;апекс;крыжовник;микроклональное размножение;пролиферация;ретардант;эксплант;аґрус;мікроклональне розмноження;проліферація;ретардант;експлант
Дата публікації: 23-гру-2016
Видавництво: Харків : ХНАУ
Бібліографічний опис: Кобец О.В., Аладина О.Н. Влияние обработки маточных растений крыжовника ретардантами на эффективность размножения in vitro. Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія : Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання. 2016. №2. С. 176-186.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Кобец О.В., Аладина О.Н. Влияние обработки маточных растений крыжовника ретардантами на эффективность размножения in vitro. Предварительная обработка маточных растений регуляторами роста оказывает положительное влияние на регенерацию крыжовника на всех этапах микроразмножения и обеспечивает высокий выход жизнеспособных растений. Трудно размножаемые сорта наиболее отзывчивы на обработку ретардантами Ким (1-2 мл/л), Пикс (4 мл/л), 2-ХЭФК (0,035%). Препарат РР (паклобутразол) и Ким в концентрации 2 мл/л проявляют последействие на следующий год после обработки маточников при ранних сроках введения эксплантов в культуру.
О.В. Кобець, О.М. Аладіна. Вплив обробітку маточних рослин аґрусу ретардантами на ефективність розмноження in vitro. Попередній обробіток маточних рослин регуляторами зростання позитивно впливає на регенерацію аґрусу на всіх етапах мікророзмноження і забезпечує високий вихід життєздатних рослин. Сорти аґрусу, що важко розмножуються, найбільш чутливі до обробітку ретардантами Кім (1-2 мл / л), Пікс (4 мл / л), 2-ХЕФК (0,035%). Препарат РР (культар) і Кім у концентрації 2 мл / л виявляють післядію на наступний рік після обробки маточників при ранніх термінах введення експлантів у культуру.
O.V. Kobets, O.N. Aladina. Influence of retardants application on the gooseberries mother plants on reproduction efficiently in vitro. Abstract. In recent years significantly decreased the quality of the original nursery plantings. This is due to a lack of high quality category planting material. Reproduction in tissue culture - a necessary stage in the accelerated reproduction and improvement of technology of planting material of garden plants . Optimization of the micropropagation technology in order to increase the output of high-quality and sustainable microplants is an important task of the modern nurseries. Micropropagation success largely depends on the age of the mother plant, explant type and size, features of its sterilization, the uniformity of the material, the composition of culture substratum, culture conditions and other. Many scholars rightly believe that the development of horticultural plant propagation technologies, including in vitro, it is necessary to take into account the physiological status of mother plants and recommend to allocate the preliminary stage for the preparation of the original plants for reproduction (growing in greenhouses, etiolation, mineral nutrition, irrigation, etc.) In perennial experiment of fruit growing laboratory RSAU-MACA has been shown that the preparation of parent plants of fruit and berry crops with biologically active substances had positive results for vegetative propagation, including in the sterile culture. The purpose of research is comparative evaluation of the efficacy of some retardants in preparing the parent plants of hard propagated gooseberry varieties to micropropagation. The experiments were conducted in 2014-2016 in the of fruit growing laboratory RSAU-MACA. Objects of research: gooseberry varieties Kolhozny and Maurer Seedling. This varieties have weak green cuttings rooting and low capacity for regeneration in a sterile culture. Age of the mother plants are 4-6 years. In early June, plants were treated with growth regulators solutions (PP, Pix, XXX, 2-CEFA, Kim). Working solution expense - 200 ml / bush. After 2 weeks after treatment were carried green cuttings, and growing apexes were introduced into sterile culture. Plants were grown on the modified Murasige and Skoog substratum and under controlled conditions: air temperature 25-26 ° C, illuminance 3000 lux, photoperiod - 16 hours. Microplants adapted in cassettes with sterile substrate (peat: perlite = 1: 1) and kept for two weeks in climatic chambers with a high relative humidity. Then the plants were transplanted in adapted containers.Green cuttings carried out by the usual method. Green cuttings was rooted in greenhouse with artificial fog The substrate for rooting - lowland peat and sand in the ratio 1: 1. Investigations have revealed high efficiency of retardants: treatment of gooseberry mother plants facilitates the introduction of the explant in the culture, enhances the proliferation of axillary buds, regeneration of the root system and increase vitality when microplants has adaptation in non-sterile conditions. Survival rate of investigated varieties explants in control was 31,4-43,6%. In the control group also noted lower the viability of regenerated during transplantation in non-sterile conditions because of the weak development of shoots and root system. From the combination of parameters investigated hard propagated gooseberry varieties were the most responsive to the treatment with retardants PP (cultar) and Kim (2 ml / l) which inhibit the biosynthesis of gibberellin. Significant differences from control are also obtained with using a Pix 0.4 ml / l. In Kolhozny apical meristem survival in variants with Pix processing 2.6 times higher than the control values, and the Maurer Seedlings - by 1.6 times. In these cases a good enough recovery apexes combined with a strong growth in the conglomerate microshoots, subsequent high rooting and branched root system. On Kolhozny can be noted, and a sufficiently high efficiency 2-CEFA, which provided a 40% improvement in survival apex microshoots increased growth and increase in the percentage of rooting. Comparing the values of survival rate of growth points in sterile culture with the results of rooting green cuttings, it is possible to judge fairly close correlation between the ability of these plants to reproduce by cuttings and in vitro, as well as the similarity of response to treatment queen retardants. Some retardants have significant effects in the regeneration of the gooseberry in vitro and for the next year. Conclusions. The use of retardants on parent hard propagated gooseberry varieties had a marked effect on the regeneration of gooseberry at all stages of in vitro culture (introduction to the culture, proliferation of axillary buds, growth and rooting microshoots) and provided the maximum yield viable plants. It is difficult propagated gooseberry varieties most responsive to the treatment of plants retardants Kim (1-2 ml / l), pix (0,4 ml / l). The retardants Pix, 2-CEFA, XXX effective only in year of treatment. PP (kultar) and Kim (2 ml / l) have a longer positive effect on regenerative processes in explants and exert their effect in the following treatment year.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/13025
Розташовується у зібраннях:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і і зберігання" №2

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