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dc.contributor.authorКочубей-Литвиненко, Оксана Валер’янівна-
dc.contributor.authorІщенко, Віра Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorЛопатько, Костянтин Георгійович-
dc.contributor.authorФоменко, Веніамін Васильович-
dc.identifier.citationКочубей-Литвиненко О. В., Іщенко В. М., Лопатько К. Г., Фоменко В. В. Перетворення компонентів молочної сироватки в процесі електроіскрового оброблення. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2015. Вип. 2(22). C. 316-326.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractЗапропоновано напрями можливого перетворення складових молочної сироватки, зокрема лактози, при електроіскровому диспергуванні гранул металів магнію та мангану в її середовищі. Вивчено зміну фізико-хімічних показників досліджуваної сироватки. Наведено дифрактограми зразків молочної сироватки до та після оброблення.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article studies the possibility of accomplishing electrical discharge dispersion of electroconductive metal granules in milk whey with the aim of their enrichment by bigeneric particles of magnesium and manganese. The object of the study is milk whey of cheese – skimmed and purified of casein dust particles. Electrical discharge process was performed on experimental technological complex consisting of charge impulse generator, control block, charge chamber, measuring and auxiliary equipment. Duration of processing varied between 30 and 120 seconds. Content of metal elements in whey patterns was measured by atom absorption spectrometry method with the use of atom absorption spectrometer ААS1N (Carl-Zeiss Jena, Germany). The possibility of enriching whey particles of magnesium and manganese during electrical discharge processing was determined. As long as these elements are catalysts to many processes, including acceleration of lactose transformation under certain conditions, physicochemical processes under electrical discharge dispersion of whey were studied. Results of physicochemical surveys of whey before and after electrical discharge dispersion in the layer of electroconductive metal granules are presented. The directions of possible conversion components of whey during electrical discharge processing was proposed. It was observed increasing of the pH and decreasing of the redox potential in the whey during the electrical discharge processing, which suggests interaction between the particles of magnesium and manganese with whey components, namely lactic and citric acid, lactose. Diffraction patterns of milk whey samples before and after processing are presented. Appearance of new peaks in the diffraction pattern of whey at 2Θ = 13, 22, 31 and 41 after electrical discharge processing confirms changers in the whey structure. It was established that the increased time of exposure to 2 minutes leads to destruction of crystal structure of whey and its transition to roentgen amorphous state.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectмолочна сироваткаuk_UA
dc.subjectелектроіскрове обробленняuk_UA
dc.subjectмолочная сывороткаuk_UA
dc.subjectэлектроискровая обработкаuk_UA
dc.subjectelectrical discharge processinguk_UA
dc.titleПеретворення компонентів молочної сироватки в процесі електроіскрового обробленняuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeConversion of whey components during electrical discharge processing-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (22)

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