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Title: Водоспоживання соняшнику залежно від елементів технології
Other Titles: Water consumption of sunflower depending on the elements of technology
Водопотребление подсолнечника в зависимости от элементов технологии
Authors: Кохан, А.В.
Keywords: sunflower;water consumption;yielding capacity;sowing density;basic soil cultivation;подсолнечник;урожайность;густота посева;основная обработка почвы;соняшник;водоспоживання;урожайність;густота посіву;основний обробіток ґрунту
Issue Date: 13-Dec-2016
Publisher: Харків : ХНАУ
Citation: Кохан А.В. Водоспоживання соняшнику залежно від елементів технології. Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія : Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання. 2016. №2. С. 85-93.
Abstract: Кохан А.В. Водоспоживання соняшнику залежно від елементів технології. Наведені результати досліджень з визначення особливостей водоспоживання та формування врожайності соняшнику залежно від густоти стояння рослин. Було встановлено, що на коефіцієнт водоспоживання, окрім природних факторів, певний вплив мають і антропогенні фактори, такі як основна обробка ґрунту, густота стояння рослин та рівень продуктивності.
А.В. Кохан. Водопотребление подсолнечника в зависимости от элементов технологии. Опыты по изучению особенностей водопотребления и формирования урожайности подсолнечника в зависимости от густоты посева проводили на трех гибридах: Надежный, Запорожский 28, Сава. Влияние основной обработки почвы на водопотребление подсолнечника изучали по вспашке, плоскорезной обработке, мелкой и нулевой. Методы проведения исследований – полевой, лабораторный, статистический. В среднем за время исследований наименьшее количество влаги на формирование единицы урожая использовали гибриды Надежный и Запорожский 28 при густоте посева 40 тыс. растений/га – 901 и 981 м3/т, у гибрида Сава – 50 тыс. растений/га (953 м3/т). На формирование урожая подсолнечника в зависимости от способа основной обработки почвы использовалось не одинаковое количество воды. Наименьший коэффициент водопотребления был отмечен по вспашке и составлял в среднем за 2 года 1306 м3/га, немного выше этот показатель был по плоскорезной и мелкой обработкам почвы – 1511 и 1604 м3/т, по нулевой обработке – 1823 м3/т. Таким образом, на количество потребляемой влаги во время формирования зерна оказывали влияние как природные, так и антропогенные факторы – количество осадков, густота посева, способы основной обработки почвы.
A.V. Kohan. Water consumption of sunflower depending on the elements of technology. Field experiments in studying the peculiarities of water consumption and the formation of sunflower yield capacity depending on the plant stand density and soil cultivation have been held in the experimental field of M.I.Vavylova Poltava State Agricultural Experimental Station of the Institute of Pig-Breeding and Agricultural Production of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in the conditions of the Left bank Forest Steppe – the zone of insufficient moistening.. The soil of the experimental plot was typical black, low humic, clay loam. The objects of the investigations were the hybrids Nadiinyi, Zaporizkyi 28, Sava, the sowing density was: 40, 50, 60, 70 thousand plants per hectare, and the methods of the basic soil cultivation were: plowing, subsurface, disking (shallow cultivation), and zero (no-tillage). The methods of the held investigations were: field supplemented with laboratory analyses, calculations and observations were held according to the generally accepted methods of investigations. According to the results of the investigations, on the average, the most productive consumption of moisture for the formation of production unit was observed in the hybrids Nadiinyi and Zaporizkyi 28 having the sowing density of 40 thousand plants per hectare – 901 and 981 m3/ha, and in the hybrid Sava – at the sowing density of 50 thousand plants per hectare. The highest indices of general water consumption were observed in the hybrids Nadiinyi, Zaporizkyi 28, and Sava at the sowing density of 40 thousand plants per hectare; the indices made up 3,190; 3,200; 3,228 m3/ha correspondingly. If water consumption was higher the yielding capacity of the hybrids was maximal. The highest yielding capacity of the hybrids Nadiinyi and Zaporizkyi 28 was received if plant stand density was 40 thousand plants per hectare – 3.54 and 3.26 t/ha correspondingly. When plant stand density was increased on 10 thousand plants per hectare the yielding capacity decreased by 0.16 and 0.09 t/ha on the average. Further thickening of the sown area to 60 and 70 thousand plants per hectare resulted in considerable decreasing of yield capacity by 0.29-0.39 t/ha. Depending on different basic soil cultivation different amount of moisture accumulated in the soil. For example, during sunflower sowing the largest deposits of effective moisture in one meter and a half layer of soil were observed at zero tillage (notillage); during the years of research its amount on the average made up 203.4 mm, the least amount was observed during plowing – 183.0 mm. Determining the deposits of moisture before harvesting showed that the largest deposits were after zero tillage – 88.6 mm and the lowest ones after subsurface soil cultivation – 73.8 mm. Different amount of moisture was spent on the formation of sunflower seed yield depending on the method of basic soil cultivation. The lowest coefficient of water consumption was during plowing and made up, on the average, 1,306 m3/t, this index was a little higher during subsurface and shallow soil cultivation – 1,511 and 1,604 m3/t correspondingly, while during zero tillage it was 1,823 m3/t. The received results testify that using of plowing as a basic soil cultivation method on typical black clay loam soil in the technology of growing sunflower assists in better developing of plants and obtaining the yielding capacity of 2.75 t/ha comparatively to using of zero tillage technology – 2.00 t/ha. Thus, both natural and anthropogenic factors have influenced the amount of soil moisture consumption during the formation of sunflower seed: the amount of precipitation, sowing density, the methods of basic soil cultivation, and also, the level of crop productivity. For the complete evaluation of agro-technical measures, which have been studied, it is necessary to know not only the level of the total water consumption, but also the consumption of moisture for the formation of the yield unit. The calculations of water consumption coefficients per 1 ton of seeds show the considerable changes of these indices depending on the hybrid composition, plant stand density, and basic soil cultivation.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і і зберігання" №2

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