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Title: Дослідження якісних характеристик смажених ковбас у модифікованих оболонках
Other Titles: The research of qualitative characteristics of fried sausage modified membrane
Authors: Доманова, Олена Володимирівна
Ільченко, Альбіна Анатоліївна
Keywords: оболонки;екстракти;шипшина;звіробій;ковбаси;органолептика;показники;оболочки;экстракты;шиповник;зверобой;колбасы;органолептика;показатели;membrane extracts;brier;hypericum;sausage;organoleptic;characteristics
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Доманова О. В., Ільченко А. А. Дослідження якісних характеристик смажених ковбас у модифікованих оболонках. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2015. Вип. 2(22). C. 204-213.
Abstract: Обґрунтовано можливість модифікації натуральних оболонок водними екстрактами шипшини та звіробою з метою підвищення їх функціональних та бар’єрних властивостей. Наведено результати досліджень впливу модифікованих оболонок на органолептичні та фізикохімічні показники смажених ковбас «Українських».
Sausage products are the type of food that have relatively short term of storage. One of factors influencing on an expiration date and consumer properties of sausage products is a shell. Natural shells are universal in relation to their use for all types of sausage products. However, barrier properties of intestinal tapes are predetermined by the morphological features of the structure and the absence of effective methods of after-treatment of shells are the reason of their high permeability. Products’ mass carries considerable losses in the process of preparation and during storage. To Tom, with the aim of maintaining products’ quality at a production and during their life cycle, it is necessary to create natural shells with the increased barrier properties. For today scientists offer various components for coverage of the fried sausages in natural shells. Nevertheless, chemicals that is not settled for the use in food treat these products. Moreover, protective composition of shells should promote barrier properties and be safe and ecological. Becoming familiar with scientific and technical literature and leaning on previous research it was suggested to use water extracts of hypericum and brier for the modification of shells. It was proved that tannic substances are contained in the water extracts of brier and hypericum at modification link albuminous connections that enter in the complement of natural shells. Porosity of shells diminishes. It was confirmed, that using the water extracts of plants it is possible to get modified shells with the improved barrier properties. This, in its turn, will allow to use such shells for the improvement of quality of the prepared fried sausages. The results of using the modified natural shells with the aim of improvement organoleptic, physical and chemical indexes of the fried sausages “Ukrains'ka» are considered in this article.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (22)

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