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Title: Експериментальне дослідження впливу апаратів із зустрічними закрученими потоками на ефективність уловлення
Other Titles: Experimental research of the influence of apparatuses with counter swirling flows on the efficiency of collection
Authors: Савченко-Перерва, Марина Юріївна
Keywords: загальна ефективність;апарат із зустрічними закрученими потоками;фракція;сухий продукт;общая эффективность;фракция;аппарат со встречными закрученными потоками;сухой продукт;overall efficiency;apparatus with counter swirling flows;fraction, dry product
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Савченко-Перерва М. Ю. Експериментальне дослідження впливу апаратів із зустрічними закрученими потоками на ефективність уловлення. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2015. 2(22). C. 134-146.
Abstract: Запропоновані експериментальні дослідження загальної ефективності апаратів із зустрічними закрученими потоками (АЗЗП) із використанням програми для аналізу зображень. Розроблено методику порівняльного аналізу апаратів із зустрічними закрученими потоками до та після вдосконалення. Визначено мінімальну фракцію вловленого сухого продукту.
In Sumy National Agrarian University, an experimental stand apparatus was mounted to study colliding with twisted threads. The stand complies with the requirements adopted for these "the only method" tests. The above method is available for use and allows you to get objective importance in determining the basic parameters of the tested devices, including devices with counter twisted threads. The proposed pilot examines overall efficiency of vehicles colliding with twisted streams (AZZP) using software for image analysis. All experiments were performed 5 times. The disagreement results did not exceed more than 5%. For the next series of experiments, the stand was remounted in other experimental conditions. Therefore, using this stand, such experimental researches were carried out: determination of aerodynamic characteristics of dusty air streams; determination of the overall efficiency of vehicles colliding with twisted flows before and after improvement; determination of pressure losses in apparatuses. When the held five times experiments were over, the frequency for each unloading hopper AZZP was made, bringing the three samples obtained involved product. These samples were tested for particular composition using scanning electron microscope with low vacuum camera SEM-106 I. Before the study, a number of dry particles coated with a disposable adhesive on both sides, adhesive tape, and then stuck to the Petri dish. Then each film was sprayed with silver at the Institute of Applied Physics via VUP-5M (vacuum universal post), after which they were transferred to the SEM sample holder pre blurry Aquadag (carbohydrate pasta). It should be noted that during the treatment dry particles to form agglomerates sought, because of their large water absorption, because X-rays often generated inside the sample, which was 10 microns at the point of falling electron beam. In particular cases, for particles up to 10 microns, x-ray radiation caused fluorescence in the sample holder REM, which led to undesired radiation. The method of benchmarking units with counter flow curled to perfection even after the improvement. The minimum fraction captured dry product, which constituted 1.99 microns of trapped particles – after the improvement in AZZP (single cone).
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (22)

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