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Title: Удосконалення технології склеєних кишкових оболонок
Other Titles: Improvement of the technology of glued guts casings
Authors: Онищенко, В’ячеслав Миколайович
Шубіна, Лідія Юріївна
Мілько, Руслан Олександрович
Keywords: склеєні кишкові оболонки;захисні властивості;танін;гліцерин;склеенные кишечные оболочки;защитные свойства;танин;глицерин;glued guts casings;protective properties;tannin;glycerin
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Онищенко В. М., Шубіна Л. Ю., Мілько Р. О. Удосконалення технології склеєних кишкових оболонок. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2015. Вип. 2(22). C. 61-69.
Abstract: Показано, що основними недоліками технологій склеєних кишкових оболонок є оберненість процесу склеювання-розшарування, їх пересихання та погіршення еластичності, використання значної кількості харчових добавок. Наведено результати досліджень із обґрунтування вдосконалення технології склеєних кишкових оболонок із застосуванням рослинного дублення таніном із подальшою пластифікацією гліцерином.
The authors demonstrate that the main drawbacks of the technologies of glued guts casings are the reciprocal process of gluing and grading, their overdrying and worsening of their elasticity, use of a large amount of nutritive supplements including artificial ones, which create potential possibility of allergic reactions, carcinogens formation, destruction and indigestibility of useful substances in the organism. The measures on the reduction of the level of reciprocity of the process of gluing and grading in the technology of glued guts, prevention of their overdrying and lowering of elasticity are proposed. These measures presuppose additional treatment of pork bellies in water solution of tannin and further plasticization with glycerin. It is established that prepared from the strip lines of products from pork bellies, which were additionally processed in water solution of tannin, and plasticized with glycerin, are characterized by less water absorption (1,7 times – from 187×10-3 kg/m 2 to 108×10-3 kg/m 2 ), divisible by the increase of the thickness proportionally to the number of layers during winding. Such changes in the properties are logically affected by the strength of glued strips, that grows from three layers to 43,0×10-6 in ileac and 33,2×10-6 Pа in the transverse direction, and can guarantee the application of such casings in the technology of sausages. It is presupposed that the received regularities are predetermined by the effect of natural casings’ tannage and correspondingly by chemical interaction of proteins in raw casings (collagen and elastin) with tanning agents. Tannins, which intruded to the microstructure of the tissue, react with functional groups of some neighboring chains of protein that results in the formation of transverse connections in the structure of protein. This results in sufficient changes of chemical and physicalchemical properties of glued guts casings. These changes are the result of seaming the structure by tannins and typical tannage effect. The received casings possess the characteristics close to dry vesicles. In the process of storage for three months, no visible organoleptic or physical changes of ready-glued casings prepared by the suggested method are found. Due to the plasticization with glycerin they were not over dried, and were easy and convenient to use.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (22)

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