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Title: Селекція смородини чорної на широкій генетичній основі
Other Titles: Black currant breeding on a broad genetic base
Селекция черной смородины на широкой генетической основе
Authors: Сазонов, Ф.Ф.
Keywords: селекція;смородина;стійкість;сорт;breeding (selection);interspecific hybridization;currant;stability;cultivar;селекция;межвидовая гибридизация;устойчивость
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2016
Publisher: Харків : ХНАУ
Citation: Сазонов Ф.Ф. Селекція смородини чорної на широкій генетичній основі. Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія : Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання. 2016. №1. С. 26-31.
Abstract: Сазонов Ф.Ф. Селекція смородини чорної на широкій генетичній основі. Виділені донори й генетичні джерела цінних господарських ознак смородини чорної, представники часто використовуваних у селекції диких видів.
Ф.Ф. Сазонов. Селекция черной смородины на широкой генетической основе. Выделены доноры и генетические источники ценных хозяйственных признаков смородины чёрной, представители часто используемых в селекции диких видов.
F. Sazonov. Black currant breeding on a broad genetic base. Distant hybridization of currant, especially with the use of wild species that have some outstanding features, enriches gene pool of cultivars and expands possibilities of breeding significantly. It was natural species and forms of currant in which such qualities as record yield, resistance to bud mite and frost, large fruits, late flowering, wide range of berry ripening, varieties of their taste and biochemical composition, and others were revealed. The successful work in the given direction is insured by abundance of valuable features in wild species Ribes L. and good compatibility of species within the subgenus Eucoreosma, to which black currant belongs. We involved the cultivars with a complex genetic basis, the derived recombinants of European and Siberian subspecies, the descendants of Dikuscha, Ussuri, few-flowered, Hudson, robur, blue, wax, and nutmeg currants of various ecotypes and areas into the interspecific hybridization of black currant in the collection plots of the Kokino base of the All-Russian Selection-Technology Institute of Horticulture and Plant Nursery. The researches were carried out by conventional methods of breeding and cultivar study of fruit, berry and nut crops. The involvement of the descendants of Dikuscha currant (R. dikuscha Fisch.) (Seedling of Golubka, Stakhanovka of Altai, Rita, Nochka) and the derivatives of R. nigrum subsp. europaeum x R. nigrum subsp. sibiricum x R. dikuscha (Minay Shmyrev, Belaruskaya sweet, Shalun’ya, Navlya, Orel Serenade, Smuglaynka) into the breeding helped raise the level of self-fruited yield and increase the winter hardiness of offsprings significantly. The derivatives of Ussuri currant (R. ussuriensis Turcz.), the cultivars Coronet and Consort are used as donors of oligogene resistance to rust. The cultivar Titaniay and its derivatives from the descendants of Ussuri currant were the most commonly involved in our researches, because they are also donors of R gene immune to powdery mildew, that increases their breeding value. The few-flowered currant (R. pauciflorum Turcz.), as a donor with high content of vitamin C in the fruits, was used through the cultivar Samoplodnaya. The high vitamin forms 3-66-89 and 8-45-69 were bred with the heip of this cultivar. They accumulate up to 300 mg% of ascorbic acid in their berries. The derivatives of the cultivar Samoplodnaya are also characterized by high field resistance to bud mite. The donors of high field resistance to anthracnose are the cultivars Cascade, Amurskaya, Bredtorp, Buraya, Belaruskaya sweet, Golubka, Minay Shmyrev, Nochka, Primorskiy Champion, Nadezhda, Karlik Altaiskiy, Diplomnaya, Ribena, Khasanovets. A promising cultivar Myth, which in 2001 was sent to the State cultivar testing was selected from hybrid progeny of derivatives of Dikuscha and Ussuri currants (Rita x Titaniay). It is characterized by high productivity (more than 2,5 kg of berries from a bush), yield (12,6 t / ha), one-dimensionality, large-fruits (an average weight of berries is 2,1 g), dry separation of fruits, and their harmonious ripening. A cultivar Kudesnik was bred from the progeny of interspecific forms and was sent to the State cultivar testing in 2013. It is originated from the derivatives of European, Scandinavian, and Siberian subspecies of black and Dikuscha currants. The cultivar gives large fruits (an average weight is 2,4 g, a maximum one – 4,0 g), one-dimensional and round-oval shapes. The transportability of the fruits is high. The cultivar is multi-purpose. More than 100 complex donors adapted to the conditions of the region and combining high-level resistance to diseases and pests together with other economically useful features have been bred and selected for further selection based on distant hybridization.  
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання" №1

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