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dc.contributor.authorПетрова, Любов Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorЧерних, Михайло Митрофанович-
dc.identifier.citationПетрова Л.І., Черних М.М. Урахування індивідуальних особливостей студентів ХДУХТ як один із шляхів оптимального розвитку їх фізичних якостей. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2015. Вип. 2(22). С. 349-357.-
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто проблему розвитку фізичних якостей студентів ХДУХТ як надійного фундаменту фізичної підготовленості та здоров’я, які є основою фізичної та розумової працездатності. Зроблено акцент на необхідності врахування індивідуальних особливостей анатомо-фізіологічних задатків студентів під час виховання фізичних якостей та індивідуалізації навчального процесу фізичного виховання.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAn important condition that determines the effectiveness of the learning process, a high level of physical and mental capacity of students. The basis for high efficiency in all activities (employment, educational, sports) have a good physical fitness, which is determined by the level of development of basic physical qualities. Decline in physical health and physical development of young people gives reason to explore areas of development means and methods of physical qualities of students that determine human physical performance and create a solid foundation of health. That is why the problem of improving physical qualities today is urgent and needs on the part of scientists, coaches and physical education teachers to further research and practical search in improving the physical fitness of the individual. One of the main tasks undertaken in the course of physical education is to ensure optimum development of physical qualities. According to O.P. Bezhrebelnoyi comprehensive development of physical abilities, through organized physical activity promotes concentration of all internal resources of the body to achieve this goal, increase efficiency and strengthen health. Systematic corresponding by sex, age and state of health, the use of physical activity – one of the essential factors of a healthy lifestyle [1]. Analysis of the research shows that the cheapest and most effective means of improving physical condition and health of students is physical exercise in which people can develop and improve their physical quality [2]. In the life of the individual is not only the acquisition of motor skills and related knowledge but also the development of physical qualities (skills) students. Currently, to characterize the motor capacity rights, the terms "physical ability" and "physical qualities". These concepts coincide in some respects, although not completely identical. Between physical abilities and qualities there is meaningful relationship. One and the same capacity can be represented in various ways, and different abilities can characterize only one of the qualities. Consequently, physical, or motor, as organically related to human and physical abilities determined by the characteristics of their manifestation and development [3]. The development of physical qualities – a process aimed at developing an optimal level of physical development and physical performance of the body. Therefore, improving physical fitness – an important condition for improving the capacity of students. In our opinion, the importance of developing content in fitness classes students should be given to the development of strength and endurance, since found that students with an optimal level of physical qualities is much less exposed to various diseases. However, it should also be noted that the comprehensive development of physical qualities and performance is paramount to future professionals, provides a basis for professional activities. The potential of their transfer to any professional activity in the future will use them efficiently in many areas of human activity.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectфізичні якості-
dc.subjectанатомофізіологічні задатки-
dc.subjectфизические качества-
dc.subjectанатомофизиологические задатки-
dc.subjectphysical qualities-
dc.subjectanatomical and physiological inclinations-
dc.titleУрахування індивідуальних особливостей студентів ХДУХТ як один із шляхів оптимального розвитку їх фізичних якостейuk_UA
dc.titleTaking into account the individual characteristics of students of KSUFT as a way of optimal physical qualitits-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (22)

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