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Title: Аспекти державного регулювання трудових доходів населення
Aspects of state regulation of labor incomes
Authors: Єсінова, Ніна Ігорівна
Сабецька, Надія Анатоліївна
Keywords: трудові доходи;держава;зайнятість населення;заробітна плата;безробіття;рішення проблеми;нерівність;трудовые доходы;государство;занятость населения;заработная плата;безработица;решение проблемы;неравенство;labor income;state;employment;wages;unemployment;problem solving;inequalities
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Єсінова Н.І., Сабецька Н.А. Аспекти державного регулювання трудових доходів населення. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2015. Вип. 2(22). С. 134-140.
Abstract: Розглядається державне регулювання трудових доходів населення в Україні. Виявляються основні причини виникнення нерівності доходів, а також їх наслідки. Формується комплек дій із подолання нерівності та можливі шляхи регулювання доходу.
Government regulation of labor incomes of Ukrainian population is considered in the article. The authors reveal the main problems of income inequality and the consequences. A complex for overcoming inequality and possible ways for the regulation of income is formed. The problems of government regulation of the incomes of population are studied, and the ways for the improvement of the income policy in the conditions of market relations are studied in the article. The purpose of any economic transformations is to be directed towards the improvement of material well-being of citizens. Allocation of national income is the focal point in the formation of the model of social policy of any country. It is connected with the fact that distributing mechanisms specify the level and quality of the population well-being, fill social relations with real content. This topic is important for our country at present time, because large, formational changes in Ukraine cause the necessity to transform the model of incomes allocation and require solutions of complex problems. Distributing relations are very important for the development of public economy because people participating in manufacturing process, inlaying their labor or capital to it, hope to get income. That is why distributing relations compile the background of forming the incentives system for the participation in the manufacturing process; the level of its development depends on them. Besides, allocation and formation of incomes specifies the possibility of reaching socialeconomic purposes of the society’s development, allows to influence the level of satisfying the needs, and, consequently, and rate of standard of living of the society in general. That is why the problems of allocation and forms of income have always been in the spotlight of economics and governments. Government regulation of distributing relations in the sphere of incomes of various layers of population is the subject of the research. Total incomes of population, their level, structure, methods of reception and differentiation are the parameters of economic and social wellbeing of the society. Their allocation has brightly social and political coloration that predetermines material and social differentiation. Allocation of incomes is tightly connected with the allocation of resources. Differentiation of incomes in public life reveals the connections hidden behind the allocation of resources. The tasks which are to be considered in the work are theoretical aspects of incomes formation and their regulation, an the study of main directions of governmental policy of incomes.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (22)

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