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Назва: Медіа сфера в умовах креативної економіки: розвиток та засади управління
Автори: Іртищева, І.О.
Крапивіна, Д.А.
Ключові слова: медіа сфера;медіапростір;креативна економіка;додана вартість;організаційно-управлінська модель;медиа сфера;медиапространство;креативная экономика;добавленная стоимость;организационно-управленческая модель;media sphere;media space;creative economy;added value;organizational and managerial model
Дата публікації: 11-вер-2020
Видавництво: Харків : ХНАУ
Бібліографічний опис: Іртищева І.О., Крапивіна Д.А. Медіа сфера в умовах креативної економіки: розвиток та засади управління. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Економічні науки. 2020. № 2. С. 299-308.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Иртыщева И.А., Крапивина Д.А. Медиа сфера в условиях креативной экономики: развитие и основы управления. В статье раскрыто анализ развития медиа сферы в условиях креативной экономики и определение задач по управлению ею. Проанализировано состояние структуры добавленной стоимости в издательском деле (общие, дополнительные, базовые). Осуществлен анализ динамики количества субъектов хозяйствования издательского дела в креативных индустриях, доля издательского дела в креативных индустриях. Обоснованы организационно-управленческую модель взаимодействия государственночастного партнерства в совершенствовании развития медиапространства.
Іrtyshcheva I.O., Krapivina D.A. Media sphere in the conditions of creative economy: development and principles of management The article reveals the analysis of the development of the media sphere in the conditions of the creative economy and the definition of tasks for its management. It was analyzed that the value added in the publishing business in 2018 amounted to UAH 9.6 billion, of which the basic value was UAH 3.4 billion and the additional value was UAH 6.2 billion. Considering the change in the positive value in the publishing business, it should be noted that it has changed almost 2 times. In 2013, the structure of value added in the publishing business was dominated by additional and amounted to UAH 2.5 billion, and the basic UAH 2.4 billion. Since 2014, the structure of value added in the publishing business has changed significantly, almost 60% of these are basic revenues. Also positive is the increase in the positive value in publishing for the study period from UAH 4.9 billion. in 2013 to UAH 9.6 billion. in 2018, of which the base of UAH 2.4 billion. up to UAH 6.2 billion, additional UAH 2.4 billion. up to UAH 3.4 billion. in accordance. It is estimated that the number of publishing entities decreased from 8,364 units in 2013 to 7,495 units in 2018, or 869 units. It should also be noted the negative trend in reducing the share of publishing in the creative industries from 8.6% in 2013 to 4.3% in 2018. This reduction was due to the reform of public publishing institutions. Over the past five years, the number of employees in the publishing industry in the creative industries has decreased from 35,408 to 23,186, or 1.53 times. At the same time, the total number of employees in the creative industries during the study period increased by 287,187 people. It should be noted that the share of employees in the publishing industry in the creative industries also decreased from 14% in 2013 to 7.5% in 2018. It is proved that in the world practice of the media sphere system there is a public-private investment partnership, which provides for cooperation between the business authorities and the community with the attraction of investments for the development of the open information space. This version of the PPP is the most correct for the media system of Ukraine, because then reveals the content of partnership as a diversification of funding sources in the media system, namely the issue of funding is the most important to ensure the implementation of national information policy. Thus, the role of public-private partnership in the improved areas of the media space is obvious.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/1003
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