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Showing results 1646 to 1665 of 54939 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022P2P Mechanisms to finance the developmental needs of commercial entitiesLitvinov, A.; Lytvynov, Ye.
2020Package development (Розвиток упаковки)Колесник, А. О.; Мануєнкова, О. О.; Бекетова, В. О.
2020Package labeling (Маркування упаковки)Колесник, А. О.; Мануєнкова, О. О.; Попов, Я. В.
2012Panini and paninero: history, traditions, recipes (Паніні та панінеро: історія, традиції, рецепти)Ков’ях, І. І.; Черевична, А. В.
2018Parametrization of the innovation system of accounting and analytical provision of managing an enterpriseBochulia, Т.
2011Party menu planning (Планування меню для вечірки)Ков’ях, І. І.; Рааб, А. В.
2022Pathology of winter barley seedsTitov, Ivan; Zhukova, Ljubov; Batova, Olena
2015Peace Corps. A proud history in an ever-changing world (Корпус Миру. Велич історії у мінливому світі)Борисова, А. О.; Столпер, Р. С.
2018Pecularity of the activities of enterprises of the national retail under the conditions of euro integrationSmolnyakova, Nataliya; Mykhailova, Оlena; Haidar, Nataliia
2018Peculiarities of ecologicalization of agriculture of BelarusTeterinets, T. A.; Sinelnikov, V. M.
2022Peculiarities of functioning of the vegetable products marketHumeniuk, A.; Garmatyuk, O.
2023Peculiarities of handling destruction waste during military operationsГруздова, В. О.; Колошко, Ю. В.
2024Peculiarities of kirschwasser using in biotechnology of fruit and berry wine productionRohizna, Y.; Varankina, O.
2024Peculiarities of location and sectoral specialization of livestock enterprises in Ukraine in the pre-war and war periodsSmohunova, O.; Harbuz, O.; Barushenko, D.
2024Peculiarities of modeling business processes of an enterprise in the context of international activityLytvynenko, О. D.
2023Peculiarities of modeling the detoxification of pesticides in different ways of their applicationPanchenko, T.; Cherviakova, I.; Tsurkn, O.
2022Peculiarities of plant waste that prevent the production of high-quality fuel briquettesDiakonov, O. V.
2023Peculiarities of territory planning for rural developmentStoyanets, Nataliya; Yuanyuan, Xia
2017Peculiarities of the growth, formation of leaf apparatus and productivity of tomatoes under action of retardants folicur and ethephon.Kuryata, V.G.; Kravets, O.O.
2020Pedagogical approaches to the formation of competencies and learning outcomes of students studying in the educational-professional program "Tourism" of the first qualification level "bachelor"Bondar, Natalya; Danchenko, Iryna; Moiseeva, Natalia