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Title: Yield of main agricultural crops depending on soil fertility in the conditions of the steppe of Ukraine
Authors: Romanova, Tetiana
Kalinichenko, Oleksandr
Didukh, Nataliya
Keywords: winter wheat;corn;yield;agrochemical indicators;profit;profitability
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Tallinn: Teadmus OÜ
Citation: Romanova T., Kalinichenko O., Didukh N. Yield of main agricultural crops depending on soil fertility in the conditions of the steppe of Ukraine. Modern trendsin agricultural science: problems and solutions: monograph. Tallinn: Teadmus OÜ, 2023. Р. 146-161
Abstract: The presented work has already summarized and highlighted the results of research on the technology of growing hybrids of winter wheat and corn in the South-Eastern part of Ukraine. The experiments were conducted in LLC «SP «SKhID-AHRO» at the Novoaidar district of Luhansk region, the soil was common black soil. It was established that in order to realize the potential of modern hybrids of winter wheat and corn in modern conditions, it was necessary to use intensive technology of cultivation in production. The use of modern competitive hybrids of winter wheat and corn is a complex technological process, which includes both field and laboratory research. The results of the study show that the soils LLC «SP «SKhID-AHRO» at the Novoaidar district of Luhansk region are characterized by good agrochemical properties, in particular there is a content of total humus, there is alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen, there is mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, рН. For the cultivation of winter wheat and corn, the best economic indicators are the use of a complex of mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants, plant protection products (profit is at the level of 36.1 thousand UAH/ha variety Bohdana, 48.1 thousand UAH/ha variety Podolianka, 38.4 thousand UAH/ha hybrid corn Phenomen and 45.8 thousand UAH/ha hybrid Fortago, profitability of growing winter wheat is 152-199%, corn – 159-186%, respectively).
ISBN: 978-9916-9859-8-4
Appears in Collections:Modern trendsin agricultural science: problems and solutions

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