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Title: | Патоморфологічні зміни в організмі ящірки прудкої (Lacerta agilis) за асоційованого перебігу ешерихіозу та стафілококозу |
Other Titles: | Pathomorphological changes in the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) organism during the associated course of escherichiosis and staphylococcosis |
Authors: | Туль, Олександра Іванівна |
Keywords: | гіперплазія лімфатичних вузликів;жировий гепатоз;патоморфологічні зміни;серозна пневмонія;спленіт;стафілококоз;умовно-патогенна мікрофлора;екстракапілярний гломерулонефрит;ешерихіоз;ящірка прудка;conditionally pathogenic microflora;escherichiosis;extracapillary glomerulonephritis;fatty hepatosis;hyperplasia of lymph nodes;pathomorphological changes;sand lizard;serous pneumonia;splenitis;staphylococcosis |
Issue Date: | 20-May-2020 |
Publisher: | Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія |
Citation: | Туль О. І. Патоморфологічні зміни в організмі ящірки прудкої (Lacerta agilis) за асоційованого перебігу ешерихіозу та стафілококозу. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 5. С. 192-197. |
Series/Report no.: | № 5; |
Abstract: | Асоційований перебіг ешерихіозу та стафілококозу в організмі ящірки прудкої (Lacerta agilis) призвів до серозного спленіту, гіперплазії селезінки та стінки травної трубки, катарального гастроентероколіту, екстракапілярного серозного гломерулонефриту, інтерстиційного нефриту, гіперемії та жирової дистрофії печінки. Bacterial infections occupy a leading place among all diseases of reptiles. The study of these diseases in the organism of sand lizard (Lacerta agilis), which can be a carrier of infections, has not been deeply conducted. Thus, the investigation of diseases of bacterial etiology in lizards is actual. The article presents the results of the study of pathomorphological changes in the sand lizard organism during the associative course of escherichiosis and staphylococcosis. The results of research indicates the prevalence of dangerous pathogens among reptiles that can cause infectious diseases in humans and animals. The pathoanatomical dissection of reptile corpses, the histological examination of internal organs and the investigation of conditionally pathogenic microflora of sand lizard using bacteriological studies were carried out. According to the results of autopsy, focal serous pneumonia, fatty hepatosis, acute catarrhal gastroenterocolitis, flatulence, nephritis and splenitis were found in the organism of sand lizards. The histological examination of lungs revealed small focal cells of serous and fibrinous pneumonia in the form of accumulations in the lumen of the alveoli of an amorphous eosinophilic mass with sieve-like impurities of fibrin, single neutrophils and lymphocytes. Polymorphic cellular infiltrates were detected. In the liver, diffuse fine-grained and focal coarse-grained fatty infiltration of hepatocytes, hyperplasia of Kupffer cells and small-focal cellular infiltrates were registered. In the kidneys, inflammatory hyperemia, extracapillary serous glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis with polymorphic cellular infiltrates, hydropic dystrophy and necrosis of nephrocytes were observed. In the spleen, pathological changes were manifested in the form of hyperemia, edema of the connective and reticular tissue, focal necrosis of the reticular tissue and leukocyte infiltration of the red pulp. There was the hyperplasia of lymph nodes. In the median and posterior sections of the digestive tube, catarrhal inflammation, connective tissue edema, hydropic dystrophy and necrosis of epithelial cells, alterative processes, inflammatory infiltration and lymph nodes hyperplasia were detected. |
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Appears in Collections: | №5 |
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