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Title: Management of research work and innovative development of the university
Authors: Nechytaylo, Yuliya
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Минск: БГАТУ
Citation: Nechytaylo Yu. Management of research work and innovative development of the university. Рыночная экономика: сегодня и завтра: тезисы IХ Междунар. научной студенческой конференции. (г. Минск, 27–28 февраля 2020 г.). Минск: БГАТУ, 2020. С. 170-172.
Abstract: The fundamental changes in the socio-economic life necessitate the modernization of the higher education system. In combination with science and culture, the higher education system is the most important factor in creating an innovative economy on a fundamentally new technological basis, a key means of developing human potential and ensuring the formation of an intellectually developed personality.
ISBN: 978-985-25-0028-9
Appears in Collections:Статті

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