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Title: Entrepreneurial characteristics as factors of human development
Authors: Savytska, Nataliia
Kashchena, Nataliia
Chmil, Hanna
Muda, Iskandar
Olinichenko, Kateryna
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Characteristics;Human Development;Quality of Life;Cluster Analysis;Cognitive Map
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Savytska N., Kashchena N., Chmil H., Muda I., Olinichenko K. Entrepreneurial characteristics as factors of human development. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2021. Vol. 25. Issue 6. P. 1-9.
Abstract: In the course of substantiating and developing a scientific and methodological approach to assessing human development and entrepreneurial characteristics using the graphic analytic method for determining the integral indicator, the lags for each group of indicators and in the country as a whole have been calculated and recommendations on state regulation of human development based on a mental map have been made. The essence of the mental map reflects the orientation of the application of regulatory tools in accordance with the principles of the relationship of economic policy and state ideology, the balance between the desire for centralism and the use of the advantages of local initiative, the combination of national interests with the needs of territorial communities, science and the programmed effectiveness of decisions made. Specific principles of regulation such as compliance of impacts with existing business condition,; an organized integrated approach to solving pressing socio-economic problems, and the systematic nature of the measures used, taking into account the peculiarities of the internal and external environments have become the basis for creating recommendations on measures for organizational, legal, financial and tax, and monetary support.
ISSN: 1939-4675
Appears in Collections:Статті

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