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dc.contributor.authorBoltianska, N. I.-
dc.contributor.authorManita, I. Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorKomar, A. S.-
dc.identifier.citationBoltianska N. I., Manita I. Yu., Komar A. S. Justification of the energy saving mechanism in the agricultural sector. Інженерія природокористування. 2021. № 1 (19). С. 7-12.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractRecently, the problem of increasing energy efficiency in the agro-industrial complex and the implementation of energy saving policies for Ukraine becomes particularly relevant. The article noted the most significant problems of analyzing the factors of energy efficient agricultural technologies in modern economic conditions: the development of a systematic scientific and sound approach to the implementation of energy efficient technologies, an analysis of energy efficiency in the agro-industrial complex, the development and substantiation of recommendations for improving energy efficiency and energy saving, which would take into account the specifics of agricultural production. The causes of the high energy intensity of the products of the agro-industrial complex are determined: the low productivity of livestock enterprises and sowing, the lack of systematic control over the compliance of energy saving, lack of developed measures to ensure energy efficiency and energy saving, development and implementation of low energy-intensive technologies, as well as the use of alternative energy sources and secondary energy resources. The structure of the energy intensity of one ton of crop production and animal husbandry in Ukraine is given. The main directions of energy saving in agriculture are identified - organizational, technical, technological, energy, selection and presented activities in the context of each direction. The stages that should undergo the development of renewable energy in our country and the main areas of use of renewable energy sources in the agro-industrial complex are noted. The balance of the needs in the energy resources of the farm is given. To reduce the energy intensity of production processes, new technologies must be widely implemented, and energy saving organizations can be attributed to measures that are highly efficient and require minor costs. It is noted that for the rapid introduction of energy-saving activities, it is necessary to develop a number of incentives and find sources of financing. Developed a scheme for stimulating the energy saving system. Reveal the essence of the proposed stimulation methods: coercion, promotion and assistance.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesІнженерія природокористування;№ 1 (19)-
dc.subjectagricultural sectoruk_UA
dc.subjectenergy saving directionsuk_UA
dc.subjectenergy efficient technology implementationuk_UA
dc.subjectenergy saving system organizationuk_UA
dc.subjectalternative energy sourcesuk_UA
dc.subjectаграрный секторuk_UA
dc.subjectнаправления энергосбереженияuk_UA
dc.subjectвнедрение энергоэффективных технологийuk_UA
dc.subjectорганизация системы энергосбереженияuk_UA
dc.subjectальтернативные источники энергииuk_UA
dc.subjectаграрний секторuk_UA
dc.subjectнапрямки енергозбереженняuk_UA
dc.subjectвпровадження енергоефективних технологійuk_UA
dc.subjectорганізація системи енергозбереженняuk_UA
dc.subjectальтернативні джерела енергіїuk_UA
dc.titleJustification of the energy saving mechanism in the agricultural sectoruk_UA
dc.title.alternativeОбоснование механизма энергосбережения в аграрном сектореuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeОбґрунтування механізму енергозбереження в аграрному секторіuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 1 (19)

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