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Title: Reseach of microbiological indices of quality of confectionery glaze with the addition of grape seed powders
Other Titles: Дослідження мікробіологічних показників якості кондитерської глазурі з додаванням порошків виноградних кісточок
Authors: Gorodyska, Olena
Grevtseva, Nataliya
Samokhvalova, Olga
Savchenko, Olesya
Keywords: grape seed powder;cocoa powder;glaze;sweets;microbiological points;bactericidal properties;порошок виноградних кісточок;какао-порошок;глазур;цукерки;мікробіологічні показники;бактерицидні властивості;порошок виноградных косточек;бактерицидные свойства;глазурь;конфеты;микробиологические показатели
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Gorodyska O., Grevtseva N., Samokhvalova O., Savchenko O. Res each of microbiological indices of quality of confectionery glaze with the addition of grape s eed powders. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2017. Вип. 1(25). C. 244-256.
Abstract: Glazed confectionery is extremely popular with consumers. The traditional technology of confectioner’s glaze does not provide for a special use of microorganisms, however, they can get into finished products from the environment and cause their spoilage during storage. The technology of confectioner’s glaze based on lauric and non-lauric fats in which cocoa powder is partially replaced with grape seed powder (GSP) was developed. The additive selected has its microflora and contains substances having phytoncide properties. Microbiological points of cocoa and grape seed powders, the glaze and glazed confectionery with the addition of GSP were under research. Six samples of natural and Dutch process cocoa powders of various producers of 2016–2017 and four samples of grape seed powders: the powder obtained by grinding grape seeds separated from grape pomace produced in 2015 and 2016 and grape seed cake powder from seeds remaining after obtaining grape oil produced in 2015 and 2016. As for ready-to-cook products, finished glaze with a different content was under research. The centers of sweets having a high moisture content and subject to bacteriological damage to a greater extent, namely, a jelly, milk -jelly and a nut brittle center with dry fruit were selected to produce glazed products. Each center was enrobed with all samples of the glaze. 246 Microbiological research was carried out in accordance with current methods. The aerobic mesophilic and facultative anaerobic count, availability of coliform bacteria, total yeast fungi and mold fungi count were determined. In addition, the quantity of sporegenous bacteria was checked. The study of GSP bactericidal properties was carried out applying a disk-diffusion method. It is found that microbiological points of a quality of GSP samples under research are much better as compared with cocoa powders. It is proved that GSP bactericidal properties, owing to which microbiological susceptibility improves a lot, and, accordingly, a quality of confectionery glaze and glazed confectionery, are prerequisites for the extension of the term of product storage.
Досліджено мікробіологічні показники якості кондитерської глазурі з додаванням порошків виноградних кісточок, сировини, що входить до її рецептурного складу, глазурованих цукерок із різними видами корпусів. Установлено, що порошок виноградних кісточок має кращі мікробіологічні показники якості, бактерицидні властивості і позитивно впливає на тривалість зберігання глазурі та глазурованих виробів.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (25)

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