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Title: Технологія фруктового шербету з покращеним нутрієнтним складом
Other Titles: Technology of fruit sherbet with the improved nutrient composition
Authors: Корзун, Віталій Наумович
Антонюк, Ірина Юріївна
Keywords: шербет;обліпиха;шрот розторопші плямистої;порошок ламінарії;мікронутрієнти;шрот расторопши пятнистой;облепиха;микронутриенты;порошок ламинарии;sherbet;sea-buckthorn;shrot of rastoropshi spotted;powder of luminary;micronutrients
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Корзун В. Н., Антонюк І. Ю. Технологія фруктового шербету з покращеним нутрієнтним складом. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2017. Вип. 1(25). C. 233-244.
Abstract: Розглянуто можливість використання обліпихи, шроту з плодів розторопші плямистої та порошку ламінарії для збагачення десерту східної кухні мінеральними речовинами, вітамінами, поліненасиченими жирними кислотами, антиоксидантами, каротиноїдами. На основі результатів органолептичних та фізико-хімічних досліджень розроблено технологічну схему фруктового шербету підвищеної біологічної цінності. Доведено доцільність використання розробленого десерту в харчуванні дорослих та дітей для профілактики дефіциту есенціальних мікронутрієнтів.
Raising of problem. Researches of the last years proved that the structure of feed had changed, as a result there is a deficit of vitamins in the daily food ration of population of Ukraine: А, С, E, D, В1, В2; there is the insufficient use makro- and microelements: to the calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, selenium, and also albumens and un maximum fat acids. World and domestic experience certifies that the most effective measure of cardinal decision of problem is development and adjusting of production of the various special food products, additionally enriched scarce (in the rations of feed) nutrients. Thus, beside the purpose to enrich a product only one, most scarce nutrient. Purpose of work – development of technology of sweet food of east kitchen – fruit sherbet with the use of sea-buckthorn, to shrot from the garden-stuffs of roztoropshi plyamistoy and to powder of luminary, analysis of biological value of dessert with the use of afore-mentioned additions. Materials and methods. The article of research is a fruit sherbet, seabuckthorn, shrot from the garden-stuffs of roztoropshi plyamistoy (Technical document of Ukraine 15.8-32062796-003:2008), luminary (Technical document of Ukraine 025-0046-276901). A fruit sherbet is select control after the traditional compounding [7]. Content of mineral matters was determined an atomno-absorbciynim method on the spectrophotometer of Techtron-aa-4 (Austria). Content of iodine was additionally determined the method of inversion voltamperometrii (device of AVA-3). Researches are carried out after the attested methods of implementation of measuring’s, control of quality is conducted on the basis of international standards of quality and confirmed comparative laboratory tests [8]. Research results. It is set that the rational amount of additions makes a 30% sea-buckthorn and 2% shrot on 100 gram of sherbet. Such amount of additions provides pleasant yellow orange colour, citrus smell of dessert and soft homogeneous consistency. Powder of luminary was entered in an amount 0,3% from mass of dessert (mass of basic raw material was diminished accordingly) Exactly such amount allows to provide on 100–200% day's requirement in an iodine and selenium at a consumption 100 grams of dessert. Analysing the results of researches of chemical composition of standards, it is possible to draw conclusion, that by comparison to control, experimental food exceeds the indexes of content an albumen in 2,13 times, content of un maximum fat acids almost in 9 times, to the calcium on 217,8 mg, to magnesium on 71,32 mg, to phosphorus on 183,82 mg, iron in 3 times, carotene on 490,6 mg (that on 50% provides day's norm), vitamin Е in 8 times. Content of iodine is made by a 141 mkg/100 gram, to selenium – 45 mkg/100 gram. Conclusions. The developed food can be recommended all layers of population with the purpose of prophylaxis of lack of microelements, in thereby deficit of iodine. The developed dessert will profit for providing of day's requirement in an iodine and settled critical layers of population, which need additional efforts (pregnant, wet women-nurses, children and teenagers, patients with, high blood pressure, nephritis but other disease).
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (25)

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