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Title: Кластер як форма територіальної організації економіки регіону
Cluster as a form of territorial organization of regional economy
Authors: Будрик, Оксана Ігорівна
Комач, Любов Дмитрівна
Keywords: кластер;економічні механізми;інструменти;регіон;інноваційність;ефективність;кластер;экономические механизмы;инструменты;регион;инновационность;эффективность;cluster;economic mechanisms;tools;region;innovation;efficiency
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Будрик О.І., Комач Л.Д. Кластер як форма територіальної організації економіки регіону. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2016. Вип. 1(23). С. 132-143.
Abstract: Проаналізовано механізм формування кластера в агропромисловому комплексі регіональної економіки та методи оцінки ефективності його функціонування з використанням зарубіжного й вітчизняного досвіду кластероутворення з метою внесення пропозицій щодо стратегічного розвитку на регіональному рівні.
Issues of innovative development and competitiveness of the country, regions, and organizations are quite burning today. At the regional level cluster associations of economic entities, that are linked by close economic ties and complement with each other, can be reserve to ensure the strategic development and competitiveness The article contains the results of research of the questions regarding conditions, potential and necessity of creation of cluster forms of the territorial organization of the economy, that allows to increase labour productivity and production efficiency, reduce transaction costs, stimulate innovative activity, increase efficiency of use of natural resources and innovative potential of Lugansk region. The research is carried out by study of international and domestic experience of cluster formation of industrial and economic and municipal utilities. The geographic and natural and resource potential of the region, its economic state and agro-industrial complex, which has priority in this area, are analysed. The results have demonstrated that the region has favourable preconditions for the formation and development of agro industrial enterprises of the cluster type. There is concentration of manufacturers of raw materials; suppliers of resources; organizations of scientific and educational complex; high level of industry development and export of products; necessity of creation and implementation of innovations; the active role of regional and local authorities in supporting of its formation and development. The questions of the mechanism of cluster formation in the agricultural complex of regional economy and methods of assessing social and economic effectiveness of its functioning, which are carried out on the basis of presence of positive influence of clusterization on separate components of integral competitiveness of the region, are analysed in the article. Namely, these are growth of amount of gross regional product per head, increase of labour productivity and level of wages, reducing of unemployment. The regional development strategy is formed based on the obtained results. The practical propositions suggestions and recommendations for strategic development of agro-industrial complex at the regional level are suggested through formation and creation of associations of cluster type, that plays a key role in the creation of favourable conditions for business activity, contributes to the activity of economic entities, allows to adapt to the conditions of external environment.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (23)

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