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Title: Прогнозування та керування механічною надійністю за допомогою інверсійного методу
Other Titles: Forecasting and managing mechanical reliable with aid investment method
Authors: Гринченко, О. С.
Алфьоров, О. І.
Юр’єва, Г. П.
Keywords: інверсійний метод;коефіцієнт запасу;пружний елемент;екстремальне навантаження;імовірність безвідмовної роботи;inversion method;elastic element;extreme load;probability of failure-free operation;factor of reserve
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: ХНТУСГ
Citation: Гринченко О. С., Алфьоров О. І., Юр’єва Г. П. Прогнозування та керування механічною надійністю за допомогою інверсійного методу. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2018. № 12.С. 210-214.
Series/Report no.: Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів № 12;
Abstract: У роботі запропонований інверсійний метод, що дозволяє визначати параметри навантаженості пружних елементів
The paper proposes an inversion method that allows determining the load parameters of elastic elements. Elastic elements in machines usually withstand significant stress, working in modes associated with the emergence of large deformations. Recently, the use of elastic elements has spread to the soil machinery: cultivators with working bodies on an elastic suspension and harrows. In connection with this, the urgency of the problem of ensuring the robust reliability of aggregates with a large number of elements, which under the conditions of use elastically deformed. Solving such a problem is necessary during design, when the future failure of technology is laid. Implementation of the inversion method of predicting the reliability of elastic elements is considered by the example of the tractor's rider. The analysis of censored statistical data on the reliability of the spring during agricultural work was carried out using a multiplicative method. The result is a tabl. 1, in which the intervals show the value of the probability of failure-free operation of the springs up to the time of 4800 moto-hours. Prior to this, there is a stabilization of the magnitude of the probability of failure at the level of 0.941, which is a sign of the sudden nature of the ensuing destruction. The found characteristics of the equivalent loading springs at the next stage should be used to provide a given predicted level of failure due to the modernization and change of design parameters. The presence of a general model of reliability model allows for a given period to predict the probability of failure-free operation, which corresponds to a given set of parameters. In the design process, it is impossible to influence the intensity of the occurrence of extreme loads. Similarly, it is necessary to leave the characteristics of accidental dispersion of loads unchanged.
ISSN: 2311-441X
Appears in Collections:№ 12

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