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Title: | С.В. Іваницький – фундатор ветеринарної гельмінтології в Україні |
Other Titles: | S. V. Ivanytskyi – the founder of veterinary helminthology in Ukraine |
Authors: | Приходько, Ю. О. Мазанний, О. В. Бирка, В. І. Приходько, Т. М. |
Keywords: | Сергій Всеволодович Іваницький;паразитологія;гельмінтологія;Інститут наукової та практичної ветеринарії;Харківський ветеринарний інститут;Serhiy Vsevolodovych Ivanytskyi;parasitology;helminthology;Institute or scientific and practical veterinary medicine;Kharkiv veterinary institute |
Issue Date: | 21-Dec-2018 |
Publisher: | Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія |
Citation: | С.В. Іваницький – фундатор ветеринарної гельмінтології в Україні. Ю. О. Приходько, О. В. Мазанний, В. І. Бирка, Т. М. Приходько. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 157-161. |
Series/Report no.: | № 2; |
Abstract: | У статті на основі архівних документів та наукових праць проаналізовано життя та діяльність професора Сергія Всеволодовича Іваницького (1895–1941 рр.): з 1926 по 1934 рр. завідувач створеною ним гельмінтологічної лабораторії Інституту наукової та практичної ветеринарії (м. Харків), де і сформувався як відомий вчений-гельмінтолог і один з найпослідовніших учнів академіка К. І. Скрябіна в Україні. 31.10.1932 року його призначено завідувачем першої в Україні кафедри паразитології Харківського ветеринарного інституту, де він і працює до кінця свого короткого життя. Serhiy Vsevolodovych Ivanytskyi was born in July 1895 in Bessarabska Gubernia (Moldova) in the family of petty bourgeoises. There were six children in the family three sons and three daughters. After finishing the gymnasium in 1915 S. V. Ivanytskyi entered Warsaw veterinary institute that was evacuated to Moscow. From 1918 to 1919 he continued his education in Donskoy veterinary institute (DVI, Novocherkask) and at the same time he worked as a ”servant” at the department of animal hygiene. After graduation from the institute there was a try to mobilize him for the army but he was recognized unusable for the military service. Instead he got a job of the local epizootic doctor in Novocherkask and a junior doctor of the scab field hospital, he took an active part in the eradication of cattle plague (rinderpest). Then he managed to get the post of an assistant at the department of pharmacology and recipe. He worked in DVI from 1919 to 1921. He was sent to Kherson antirabies station in order to test the drug. Soon after the station was closed and Serhiy Vsevolodovych had to solve the dilemma “What to do?” He stayed there and soon after he became the head of the veterinary department in Kherson region and then in Odesa region. From 1926 to 1934 S. V. Ivanytskyi was an assistant, a specialist, chief of the helminthology department in the Institute of research and practical veterinary medicine (Kharkiv), where the helminthology laboratory was established by him. From 1926 to 1930 he was posted four times to the helminthology department of the All-Union institute of experimental veterinary medicine (Moscow) to specialize in helminthology under supervision of Professor K. I. Skryabin. From 1927 to 1929 S. V. Ivanytskyi was in charge with the Ukrainian helminthological expeditions № 2, 3 and 4. By the results of the above expeditions for the first time in the USSR he introduced the planned regular general dehelminthisation of sheep and dogs, control of stray dogs, rational organization and placement of water trough system for sheep under field conditions on the sheep-breeding farms of Ukraine. The above system was demonstrated at the All-Union agricultural exhibition and its author got a diploma and a prize (bonus). During his work in the Institute of experimental veterinary medicine in Kharkiv S. V. Ivanytskyi trained 6 doctors-helminthologists, 7 veterinary doctors – regional parasitologists, organized courses in complex antihelminth measures on the sheep-breeding farms and some courses for the improvement of qualification for veterinarians of Ukraine. In January 1931 Serhiy Vsevolodovych was accepted for the position of an extra-staff lecturer in Kharkiv veterinary institute (KhVI) to give lectures in parasitology. In October 25, 1932 by the order № 26 the first department of parasitology in Ukraine was established and S. V. Ivanytskyi became the chief of the department. In December 5, 1935 S. V. Ivanytskyi obtained the academic degree of Candidate of Veterinary Science and the academic position of Professor at the department of parasitology. After the long-term and serious disease S. V. Ivanytskyi died on 31st of January 1941. For the period of his educational and scientific work on animal helminthosis Serhiy Vsevolodovych Ivanytskyi published 31 scientific works, prepared the textbook “Invasive diseases of domestic animals”, developed and introduced into practice “Rational organization and use of water trough on sheep-breeding farms”. His scientific work was based on the expeditions and experimental research. Three candidate‘s degree dissertations were successfully defended under his guidance and the above thesis were of great importance for science and practice. |
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