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dc.contributor.authorCкрынник, Наталья Анатольевна-
dc.identifier.citationСкрынник Н.А. Аспекты гуманитарной подготовки студентов УВО к вопросу рассмотрения творческого метода А.Ф. Писемского в научном освещении ХІХ века. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2018. Вип. 1(27). С. 260-268.-
dc.description.abstractОпределены основные существенные особенности творческого метода писателя. Установлено, что оценки творчества А.Ф. Писемского разноречивы, так как зависели от различных политических взглядов и эстетических предпочтений критиков и литературоведов. Однако все они признавали художественное мастерство писателя, его самобытную манеру отражения действительности, а художественный метод определяли как натурализм. Порой в критике речь шла и о «крайнем реализме» писателя. Такой тип реализма, близкий к натурализму, отражал стремление А.Ф. Писемского точно, адекватно и подробно показать как современную ему действительность, так и историческое прошлое.-
dc.description.abstractAnalysis of literature on the artistic heritage of A.F. Pisemsky shows that some of the most important features of his world view and writing style were outlined by contemporary criticism. The first such attempts were made in the articles of A.V. Druzhinin about the novel “A Thousand Souls” and E.N. Edelson about the novel “Disturbed Sea”. A.V. Druzhinin had seen the origins of A.F. Pisemsky in the conditions of Russian provincial life; E.N. Edelson assessed the writer’s work in fact as a manifestation of the Russian cultural principle, free from the destructive national features of European influences. Already at this time critics determined the main essential features of the artistic manner of the writer. Numerous literary criticisms are the basis of historical and literary studies devoted to the work of A.F. Pisemsky. Evaluation of the creative work of A.F. Pisemsky are contradictory. But the understanding of its artistic originality was established fairly quickly and almost did not change in course of the years, and it was supplemented and developed by critics and literary scholars of the most diverse political views and aesthetic preferences. The writer-realist A.F. Pisemsky recreated the physiology of Russian society, Russian way of life, Russian everyday life. This thesis is characteristic of both literary criticism, which belongs to critics of different aesthetic views and political sympathies, and historians of literature at the turn of the 19 th and 20 th centuries. In fact, in these assessments of the creative work of A.F. Pisemsky the matter of question refers to the naturalistic desire to accurately, adequately and in detail reproduce reality. Naturalism showed a keen interest in simple, everyday phenomena of life, namely this feature of the writer's work was marked by literary criticism. It was unanimously noted that A.F. Pisemsky sought to detail the everyday existence of man in keeping with the realistic aesthetic course. Sometimes in the criticism it was also about the “extreme realism” of the writer. This type of realism, close to naturalism, reflected the desire of A.F. Pisemsky accurately, adequately and in detail show both the contemporary reality, and the historical past.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectтворческий метод-
dc.subjectтворчий метод-
dc.subjectcreative method-
dc.titleАспекты гуманитарной подготовки студентов УВО к вопросу рассмотрения творческого метода А.Ф. Писемского в научном освещении ХІХ векаuk_UA
dc.titleAspects of humanitarian preparation of students in the high school to the question of the consideration of the creative method of А.F. Pisemsky in the scientific lighting of the XIX century-
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