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dc.contributor.authorТерещенко, І.О.-
dc.contributor.authorРешетнікова, О.В.-
dc.identifier.citationТерещенко І.О., Решетнікова О.В. Методологія формування конкурентної стратегії молочного скотарства підприємства. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Економічні науки. 2017. №2. С.215-222.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractТерещенко І.О., Решетнікова О.В. Методологія формування конкурентної стратегії молочного скотарства підприємства. У статті розроблено методологію формування конкурентної стратегії молочного скотарства в умовах вітчизняних підприємств. Зроблено висновок про доцільність впровадження запропонованого алгоритму формування конкурентної стратегії молочного скотарства підприємства.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractИ.А. Терещенко, О.В. Решетникова. Методология формирования конкурентной стратегии молочного скотоводства предприятия. В статье разработана методология формирования конкурентной стратегии молочного скотоводства в условиях отечественных предприятий. Сделан вывод о целесообразности внедрения предложенного алгоритма формирования конкурентной стратегии молочного скотоводства предприятия.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractI.O. Tereshchenko, O.V. Reshetnikova. Methodology of forming a dairy cattle breeding competitive strategy of the enterprise. Subject, goal of research. The main goal is to develop a methodology of forming a dairy cattle breeding competitive strategy of the enterprise. Methodology of research. The process of forming a competitive strategy has its own stages, structure, logic and dialectics; besides, it is labor-intensive, since all stages and components must be interconnected and interdependent. Research results. The process of forming a competitive strategy for each sector of the national economy has its characteristic stages. For agricultural enterprises, we offer the following algorithm, the first stage of which is analysis of the dairy cattle breeding competitive strategy effectiveness at the international scale and the study of development trends of the world dairy market; research of the current state, development trends and evaluation of the dairy cattle breeding competitive strategy effectiveness at the level of regions and districts; analysis of the current state of development, evaluation of the dairy cattle breeding competitive strategy of investigated farms and determination of their position at the regional level. At the second stage, monitoring of the regional market for dairy cattle breeding products attractiveness and forecasting of the possibilities for its development are held. After that, we proceed to the third stage, the determination of strategic goals and directions of the industry development. At the fourth stage it is necessary to form a competitive strategy of milk production and processing on the basis of determinated strategic goals and directions of the farm dairy cattle breeding development, and to proceed to its realization. Monitoring of the effectiveness of competitive strategy realization and the stability of competitive advantages is the fifth stage, that under conditions of the external environment stability of enterprise operation is held periodically. The state of achievement of set goals and indicators of the dairy cattle breeding development are analyzed at the sixth stage, and under the condition of the environment stability and the unchangeable enterprise potential, the process of formation begins with the determination of new goals. Scope of results. The consistent realization of the developed stages by domestic enterprises allows to form a dairy cattle breeding competitive strategy, that will increase the efficiency of production in real time, and in the medium and long term perspective will enable to prevent crisis developments associated with the influence of the marketing environment factors and increase the competitiveness of national dairy cattle breeding.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків : ХНАУuk_UA
dc.subjectформування конкурентної стратегіїuk_UA
dc.subjectмолочне скотарствоuk_UA
dc.subjectефективність конкурентної стратегіїuk_UA
dc.subjectформирование конкурентной стратегииuk_UA
dc.subjectмолочное скотоводствоuk_UA
dc.subjectэффективность конкурентной стратегииuk_UA
dc.subjectforming of competitive strategyuk_UA
dc.subjectdairy cattle breedinguk_UA
dc.subjecteffectiveness of competitive strategyuk_UA
dc.titleМетодологія формування конкурентної стратегії молочного скотарства підприємстваuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeМетодология формирования конкурентной стратегии молочного скотоводства предприятияuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeMethodology of forming a dairy cattle breeding competitive strategy of the enterpriseuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Економічні науки" № 2

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