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dc.contributor.authorКотець, Геннадій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorПушкар, Тетяна Дмитрівна-
dc.contributor.authorМажиловська, Крістіна Робертівна-
dc.contributor.authorХамід, Кіра Олександрівна-
dc.identifier.citationФізіологічний стан та біохімічні показники крові ремонтних телиць при використанні в раціонах тритикалево-викової сумішки. Г. І. Котець, Т. Д. Пушкар, К. Р. Мажиловська, К. О. Хамід. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 3. С. 250-255.
dc.description.abstractДосліджено біохімічні показники крові ремонтних телиць, яким згодовували тритикалево-викову сумішку зеленої маси та сіна. Наведені дані вказують на більш інтенсивний обмін речовин в організмі молодняку великої рогатої худоби під впливом вивчаємого фактора – згодовування тритикалево-викової сумішки.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn order to create a stable food supply, increasing the volume of livestock production and improving its quality, high-yielding forage crops are used for the production of green fodder, silage, haylage and hay. But the priority of these crops in terms of land use efficiency, the reduction of energy costs, labour and material resources do not sufficiently take into account. Because of this, the aim of study was to find out the impact of green mass triticale vetch mixtures on the metabolic processes in the body of replacement heifers. The researches were conducted in, AF «Dniester» Arziz district, Odessa region on the replacement heifers of Ukrainian Red Dairy breed. The experiment on breeding replacement heifers from 8 to 12 months of age was lasted to 90 days. The difference in feeding was that the experimental group of animals were fed on hay and green fodder from triticale vetch mixtures and control one - on hay and green fodder triticale. Before feeding hay and green fodder were evaluated by organ leptically method. During the experiment food of high quality that meets the requirements of the first class both in the control and experimental group was used. Hay and green fodder contained nutrients essential for all animals: protein of high quality, easily to enzymatic carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins (especially rich in carotene and vitamins E and B complex), minerals and biologically active substances. Besides green fodder has dietary properties. The dry matter of green fodder for energy and nutrient content of digestible protein is similar to the concentrated feed, while for biological value and the content of biologically active substances it is considerably dominant. Nutritive value of green mass depends on the phase of vegetation, the botanical composition of grass, on climate conditions and soils. Passing the phases of vegetation the content of protein and fat are decreased in plants and the amount of fiber and MAR are increased. In the early stages of vegetation it is characterized by a higher concentration of energy and digestibility of nutrients, higher content of digestible protein, fat, starch, sugar, micro minerals and vitamins. Blood for researches was taken from the jugular vein in three groups of animals in the morning before feeding. Studying the biochemical composition of blood, the amount of phosphorus, calcium, carotene, reserved alkalinity, total protein were investigated. Amount of phosphorus in the blood serum was determined by Brix and the amount of calcium – by trylonometrychnyi method. Carotene content in blood serum was determined by Rachevskyi calorimetric method, alkalinity – by Nevodova (Smirnov, Konopelko, & Postnikov, 1981). The total amount of protein in the serum was determined by refractometres method on refractometr RLU. Physiological parameters of heifers body in all groups were within the permissible limits. Body’s temperature ranged from 38 to 38,6 º C, pulse rate from 77 to 82 per minute, respiration 25-29, rumination 48-51, large differences were not observed between animals. Heifers had normal hair but the animals of the experimental group had hair with a specific shine. It was found that the use of triticale vetch mixtures in the diets of replacement young animals of experimental group has resulted in comparison with the control animals to the calcium’s increase in blood by 3.19%, inorganic phosphorus by 2.48%, carotene by 11.3%. The total protein in the heifers blood of experimental group was higher by 5.19 g / L compared with the control group. These data indicate more intensive metabolism of young cattle under the influence of the investigated factors - feeding triticale vetch mixtures. Carried out researches have shown that the addition of triticale vetch hay and green fodder mixtures in the heifers diets (in phase of budding and flowering) did not cause a violation of physiological state, metabolic and harmful effects on the body as a whole.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 3;-
dc.subjectремонтні телиціuk_UA
dc.subjectreplacement heifersuk_UA
dc.titleФізіологічний стан та біохімічні показники крові ремонтних телиць при використанні в раціонах тритикалево-викової сумішкиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativePhysiological state and blood biochemical parameters of replacement heifers using triticale vetch mixtures in rationsuk_UA
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