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dc.contributor.authorЖегус, О. В.-
dc.contributor.authorСавицька, Н. Л.-
dc.contributor.authorПахомова, І. О.-
dc.identifier.citationЖегус О. В., Савицька Н. Л., Пахомова І. О. Комплексний аудит маркетингу в соціальних мережах. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг : зб. наукових праць. Харків: ДБТУ, 2024. Вип. 1 (35). С. 130-144uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті запропоновано систему показників комплексного аудиту маркетингу в соціальних мережах з урахуванням специфіки його як інструменту маркетингу, що дозволило сформувати сучасний аналітичний інструментарій для всебічного оцінювання його організації, здійснення, ефективності та результативності. Охарактеризовано чинники та передумови досягнення мети SMM, на основі яких обґрунтовано вибір кількісних та якісних показників.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractUnder the influence of digital transformation processes, marketing on social media (SMM) is becoming more active and gaining a high level of influence on sales and brand success. More and more companies are using SMM for product promotion, interaction and communication with target audiences, increasing loyalty, building trust in the brand, and addressing other marketing objectives, investing significant efforts and budgets into this. Therefore, determining the efficiency and effectiveness of SMM is an important stage in strategy implementation. This requires conducting a comprehensive marketing audit of SMM, which necessitates the development of theoretical foundations and methodological tools. The article proposes a methodological toolkit for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of SMM, taking into account its specifics. Based on the analyzed factors and prerequisites for achieving the goal of SMM, a system of quantitative indicators and qualitative parameters is substantiated for comprehensive evaluation of its organization, implementation, efficiency, and effectiveness. This system includes qualitative parameters such as brand presence in social media, content marketing, subscriber communication activity, community management, page design and layout, achievement level of set goals, as well as quantitative non-financial and financial indicators. The financial indicators block includes expenses on SMM, advertising, indicators of return on total marketing investments in SMM, and profitability of investments in SMM advertising, as well as indicators of the cost of target actions. The block of quantitative non-financial indicators includes conversion rates, number of subscribers, audience engagement, traffic, number of leads, orders, purchases, coverage, click-through rates, virility of content, and brand mentions. The use of the proposed system of indicators and parameters will allow determining the efficiency and effectiveness of SMM, analyzing the current state of SMM organization and implementation, identifying problem areas, identifying their causes, and determining necessary actions for their resolution and improvement of SMM.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків: ДБТУuk_UA
dc.subjectсоціальні мережіuk_UA
dc.subjectмаркетинговий аудитuk_UA
dc.subjectмаркетингова аналітикаuk_UA
dc.subjectsocial mediauk_UA
dc.subjectmarketing audituk_UA
dc.subjectmarketing analyticsuk_UA
dc.titleКомплексний аудит маркетингу в соціальних мережахuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeComplex audit in social media marketinguk_UA
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (35)

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