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Title: | Обґрунтування питань, що ставляться в ухвалі суду та постанові слідчого при призначенні судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупа тварини з ознаками насильницької смерті від жорстокого поводження |
Other Titles: | Issues formartion that are used in the court orders and investigator’s warrant nominated of forensic veterinary examination of the animal corpse with violent death feature caused by cruelty |
Authors: | Яценко, Іван Володимирович Париловський, Олександр Іванович Коломоєць, Дар'я Костянтинівна |
Keywords: | призначення судово-ветеринарної експертизи;жорстоке поводження з тваринами;питання в ухвалі суду чи постанові слідчого;appointment of forensic veterinary examination;animal cruelty;issues in court order or investigator's warrant |
Issue Date: | 15-Nov-2019 |
Publisher: | Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія |
Citation: | Яценко І. В., Париловський О. І., Коломоєць Д. К. Обґрунтування питань, що ставляться в ухвалі суду та постанові слідчого при призначенні судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупа тварини з ознаками насильницької смерті від жорстокого поводження. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 4. С. 184-197. |
Series/Report no.: | № 4; |
Abstract: | В роботі сформульовані та систематизовані питання, які ставляться в ухвалі суду та постанові слідчого при призначенні судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупа тварини з ознаками насильницької смерті від жорстокого поводження; розкрито зміст, обґрунтовано та показано значення питань для алгоритму судово-ветеринарної експертизи трупа тварини та формулювання висновку судово-ветеринарного експерта. Dealing with formulated and systematic questions that are asked in the court orders and investigator’s warrant nominated of forensic veterinary examination of the animal corpse with violent death feature caused by cruelty; the content is substantiated, and important problems for the algorithm of forensic veterinary examination of an animal corpse and opinion of the forensic veterinarian expert are given. All questions were divided into three groups. The first group deals with the issues relating to the distinguishing features of an animal corpse, which are: examination of the carcasses of animals; sex and age of animal corpses, its physical characteristics. A group of other issues related to corporeal skin damage observed in the study of the corpse of animals, justification of its infliction, as well as thanatological patterns, as well as: what bodily injuries exist in working animals of a character; which develops and adheres to the physical reprimands that have been made in the carcasses of animals; the life-long or noticeable nature of the new damage found in the carcasses of animals; studied the severity of bodily injury while adhering to the carcasses of animals; whether there is damage, use in dead bodies of animals; when death came animals; what is the duration of the injuries found in the animal’s corpse; what health complications caused by the damage to the animal’s life Are these complications fatal; whether the animals were found to be injured in the corpse by injury; whether the carcass of the animal is characterized by signs that can be used to establish the nature and features of the weapon or other instrument causing the injury. The third group of questions concerns the cause-and-effect relations between the detected damage and the death of the animal; finding out injuries, animal pain, suffering and torture before death; whether the damages could have been caused by cruelty. The list of our developed questions, which are asked in the investigating judge in ordering a forensic veterinary examination of an animal corpse with violent death feature caused by cruelty, approvs by the criminal legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of moral principles of society and discover the disposition of Art. 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Different scientific methods are used in the work, taking into account the specificity of the topic, purpose and tasks of the research, in particular: formal-legal, dialectical, systematic analysis, logical and grammatical, modeling. The empirical basis of the study was the analysis of the findings of forensic veterinary examinations and expert studies on animal cruelty conducted at the Bureau of Forensic Veterinary Research of Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy during 2010–2019. |
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Appears in Collections: | №4 |
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