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Title: Популяция насекомых как единица охраны
Other Titles: The population of insects as a unit of protection
Authors: Кривда, Л. С.
Злотин, А. З.
Чепурная, Н. П.
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Харків
Citation: Кривда Л. С., Злотин А. З., Чепурная Н. П. Популяция насекомых как единица охраны. Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества. Т. 6, Вып. 1. 1998. C. 154-159.
Series/Report no.: Известия Харьковского энтомологического общества;Т. 6. Вып. 1
Abstract: The questions of the insect population from the point of view of the population structure, heterogeneity and viability are for the first time considered in the article. It is pointed out that even according to any selection which decreases heterogeneity, the consequence is the decline of the population viability. To solve the question of the necessity of the population protection the preservation of the culture heterogeneity level, the strulture of the population and its viability are more important than the quantity.
Appears in Collections:Т. 6, Вип. 1

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