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dc.contributor.authorDemydova, Anastasia-
dc.contributor.authorAksonova, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorPiven, Olena-
dc.identifier.citationDemydova A., Аksonova O., Piven О. Degumming of sunflower oil with degumming agents based on flour. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2020. Вип. 2(32). C. 173-183.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractOne of the main directions of development of the food industry is to increase the safety and quality of products, the development of new technologies that use soft treatment regimes with the rejection of the use of additional chemicals. The article proves the effectiveness of degumming of sunflower oil when using aqueous suspensions of wheat and pea flour: degumming in the presence of 0.1% wheat flour and 0.06% citric acid reduces the phospholipid content in refining oil to 0.04% in terms of stearooleolecitin (when using 0.1% pea flour and 0.06% citric acid –up to 0.045%, respectively). The efficiency of degumming when using starch solutions is much lower: under the same conditions of degumming (0.1% starch and 0.06% citric acid), the final phospholipid content in refining oil is 0.075%. Degumming agent based on polyvinyl alcohol was the most effective (phospholipid content in refining oil – 0.039%), but due to its synthetic nature, we consider more promising to use moisturizing agents based on flour. The obtained refining oils meet all the main quality indicators, and such indicators as phospholipid content, acid value, peroxide value, color are significantly lower compared to the results of traditional degumming (aqueous or acidic). Also, degumming cleansing with wheat or pea flour can be recommended for oils of low quality, with the alignment of quality indicators to values that meet the requirements of regulatory documents. Equalization of oil quality due to the adsorption effect of flour looks like a promising approach due to safety and low cost. The possibility of delamination of the wet gum with the separation of 40% of the aqueous phase by heating it to 70 °C in the presence of 5% sodium chloride was investigated. It is proposed to use the obtained wet gum with high protein content without drying. Such a phospholipid product will be characterized by a higher biological value as a result of the absence of destructive thermal exposure.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДоведено ефективність гідратування соняшникової олії за умови використання водних суспензій борошна пшеничного та горохового. Гідратування за наявності 0,1% пшеничного борошна та 0,06% лимонної кислоти приводить до зменшення вмісту фосфоровмісних речовин у гідратованій олії до 0,04% у перерахунку на стеаролеолецитин. Досліджено можливість розшарування фосфоліпідної емульсії в разі застосування деемульгатора (хлористого натрію).uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectsunflower oiluk_UA
dc.subjectwet gumuk_UA
dc.subjectsodium chlorideuk_UA
dc.subjectсоняшникова оліяuk_UA
dc.subjectфосфоліпідна емульсіяuk_UA
dc.subjectхлорид натріюuk_UA
dc.titleDegumming of sunflower oil with degumming agents based on flouruk_UA
dc.title.alternativeГідратування соняшникової олії з гідратуючими агентами на основі борошнаuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (32)

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