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dc.contributor.advisorМельник, Олександр Васильович-
dc.contributor.authorМулєнок, Яна Олександрівна-
dc.identifier.citationМулєнок Я. О. Продуктивність зимових сортів яблуні залежно від строків контурного обрізування в Правобережному Лісостепу України.: автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата сільськогосподарських наук за спеціальністю 06.01.07 «Плодівництво».;наук. кер. О. В. Мельник; Уманський національний університет садівництва. Умань, 2020. С. 25uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherУДК: 634.11:631.542:631.171(477.4)-
dc.description.abstractВстановлено особливості росту надземної частини дерев перспективних зимових сортів яблуні у зрошуваному насадженні на підщепі М.9 Т337, визначено вплив способу і строку обрізування на освітленість крони, показники росту і стану листкової поверхні, формування врожайності насаджень, товарні, фізичні та хімічні показники плодів. Удосконалено технологію вирощування плодів яблуні в насадженнях з контурним обрізуванням, зокрема після збору врожаю. Порівняно із зимовим обрізуванням вручну, контурне обрізування одразу після збору врожаю (з ручним доопрацюванням міждеревного простору взимку) потребує у 2,5 – 3,0 рази менших затрат праці, забезпечуючи на 2,0 – 8,5 % нижчу собівартість продукції й у 1,5 рази вищий прибуток; рентабельність виробництва яблук сорту Гала вища на 28 % пунктів, на 35 – сорту Джонаголд і на 27 % пунктів – Голден Делішес, порівняно з ручним зимовим обрізуванням.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the Right Bank Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine, elements of mechanical (contour) pruning of winter cvs. Gala (Mitchgla) and Golden Delicious (clone B) on rootstock M.9 T337 were for the first time developed, including contour pruning into the pink cone phase and after harvesting (with manual finishing of the inter-tree spaces). Experimental studies have found that the growth activity of cv. Jonagold (Wilmuta) is more intensive. Compared to traditional manual pruning, the figure for mechanical (contour) pruning is higher by 15 % (31 % in the case of winter pruning). It was found that, compared to traditional manual pruning, contour one resulted in 11 % fewer number of shoots. The number of shoots was 18 % lower when contour pruning was done after harvesting. In the case of traditional pruning, the number of leaves is 17 % higher compared to contour pruning, and for pruning after harvest it is slightly lower than in the case of winter one, but it is 5 % higher than after pruning during flowering. The area of the leaf blade of cv. Jonagold is 6 % higher than that of Gala and by 4 % more than Golden Delicious. Compared to traditional manual pruning, the contour value is 14 % higher. The largest area of the leaf blade was found during the pruning of the pink cone phase, which was 19 % higher than the rate of early-summer pruning. Contour pruning has been found to result in a 3 % reduction in the total leaf area on the tree, but when cut into the phase of the pink cone, the figure is 20 % higher. After contour pruning, the total leaf chlorophyll content was 16 % higher than that of traditional manual pruning. Its highest content was found after pruning in the pink cone phase and after harvesting, which is 13 – 14 % more than that after winter pruning. Compared to traditional pruning, contour one provides 24 % more chlorophyll content in leaves per unit area of the orchard and 12 % more than that for pruning after harvest. It was found that the net productivity of photosynthesis for contour pruning reaches a value of 17.0 g / m2 per day and, compared to traditional manual pruning, for contouring one is greater by 32 % (34 % for pruning immediately after the harvest). In trees with contour pruning, the number of flowers is 8 % higher, and after the pruning in the phase of the pink cone and after harvesting, there are more by 11 – 15 %. Contour pruning causes 32 % more fruit sets than traditional pruning, and under pruning immediately after the harvest – by 22 %. Contour pruning helps increase the productivity of orchard with a higher crop load by 20 %, and under such pruning immediately after the harvest – by 17 %. The yield of cv. Golden Delicious with mechanical pruning after harvest (with manual correction) was by 38 % higher than that of Gala cultivar, but by 5 % lower than that of Jonagold. Compared to traditional manual pruning, after contour one, the fruit weight was 8 % greater and it was 10 % greater in the case of pruning into the pink cone phase and after harvesting. Mechanical pruning does not reduce the amount of quality fruits. The output of commercial apples of Gala cultivar is slightly smaller than that of cvs. Golden Delicious and Jonagold, and the performance of all cultivars is significantly lower after manual winter pruning. As compared with traditional manual pruning in winter, after mechanical pruning, the yield of marketable fruit is higher by 20 % and this indicator is 13% higher in the areas pruned after the harvest. The areas with mechanical pruning and manual correction were by 19 % more productive and the yield capacity was higher by 17 % for post-harvest pruning. A maximum yield of 54.3 t/ha was obtained on mechanically pruned Golden Delicious plots in the pink bud phase and after harvest, as well as for Jonagold (57.6 t/ha) after mechanical post-harvest pruning. Compared to traditional manual pruning, contour pruning increases by 32 % the cumulative yield efficiency (based on the area of the cross section of the trunk), and pruning after the harvest increased this figure by 41 %. Compared to traditional manual pruning, the figure for contour pruning is 40 % higher (60 % higher for post-harvest pruning), specific productivity per unit area of leaves is 29 % higher and it is 29 – 34 % higher in case the pruning during phases of pink cone and after harvest. The flesh firmness of cv. Jonagold was 16 % higher than that for Gala and 5 % higher than for Golden Delicious cultivar, the figure was also 12 % higher in the case of contour pruning after harvest. Compared to traditional pruning, after contour pruning, the fruit soluble solids content was 6 % higher (3 % points higher for titrated acids), and these parameters were higher by 4 and 11 %, respectively, in the case of pruning after harvest. Mechanical pruning (with manual correction), carried out immediately after the harvest, provides a higher price of sales and a level of profitability, high economic efficiency of fruit production. As compared with manual winter pruning, mechanical pruning of the trees after harvest (with manual correction) requires 2.5 – 3 times less labor costs, it provides 2.0 – 8.5% lower production costs and 1.5 times higher profits annually. In this case, the profitability of the production of Gala apples is higher by 28 % points, Jonagold – by 35 % and Golden Declicious – by 27 % points, as compared with manual winter pruning.uk_UA
dc.publisherУманський національний університет садівництва. Уманьuk_UA
dc.subjectяблуня, зимові сорти, контурне обрізування, строк обрізування, продуктивність, якість плодів.uk_UA
dc.subjectapple-tree, winter varieties, mechanical pruning, pruning time, productivity, fruit weight, commodity quality, economic efficiencyuk_UA
dc.titleПродуктивність зимових сортів яблуні залежно від строків контурного обрізування в Правобережному Лісостепу Україниuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeProductivity of winter apple varieties depending on the timing of contour pruning in the Right-bank Forest Steppe zone of Ukraine.uk_UA
Appears in Collections:06.01.07 – Плодівництво

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