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Title: Комп’ютерно-томографічні дослідження скелетних структур плечового суглоба птахів
Other Titles: Investigetion of skeletal struktures of the shoulder joint of birds by computed tomographe
Authors: Мельник, О. О.
Keywords: біоморфологія;плечовий суглоб;птахи;комп'ютерна томографія;остеомери;biomorphology;shoulder joint;birds;computed tomography;osteomers
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2018
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Мельник О. О. Комп’ютерно-томографічні дослідження скелетних структур плечового суглоба птахів. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 1. С. 123-125.
Series/Report no.: № 1;
Abstract: У статті наведені результати комп’ютерно-томографічних досліджень біоморфологічних особливостей внутрішньої будови плечового суглоба деяких представників класу птахів, які належать до різних рядів, а саме: Ряд Фламінгоподібні Ordo Phoenicopteriformes (рожевий фламіного Phoeniconais roseus), Ряд Гусеподібні Ordo Anseriformes (Лебідь-шипун Cygnus olor, свійська гуска Anser anser var. domestica), Ряд Соколоподібні Ordo Falconiformes (орлан білохвостий Hallaeetus albicilla, малий підорлик Aquila pomarina, боривітер Falco tinnunculus), Ряд Куроподібні Ordo Galliformes (перепілка Coturnix coturnix, свійська курка Gallus gallus var. domestika, свійський індик Meleagris gallopavo var. domestica, цесарка Numida meleagris), Ряд Горобцеподібні Ordo Passeriformes (крук Corvus corax, підкоришник короткопалий Certhia brachydactyla).
The results of research of the biomorphological features of the internal structure of the shoulder joint of some representatives of the class of Aves belonging to different orders by computed tomography, are given in the article. Among them are: order Phoenicopteriformes (the pink phlamingo – Phoeniconais roseus), order Anseriformes (the mute swan – Cygnus olor, the domestic goose – Anser anser var. domestica), order Falconiformes (the white-tailed eagle – Hallaetes albicilla eagle, the lesser spotted eagle – Aquila pomarina, the common kestrel – Falco tinnunculus), order Galliformes (the common quail – Coturnix coturnix, the domestic fowl – Gallus gallus var. domestica, the domestic turkey – Meleagris gallopavo var. domestica, the helmeted guineafowl – Numida meleagris), order Passeriformes (the common raven – Corvus corax, the short-toed treecreeper – Certhia brachydactyla). Material for research was obtained from the scientific collections of the Anatomy Department of the University of Wroclaw and the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Pathomorphology of Animals named after acad. V.G. Kasyanenko of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Selected material for research was presented in the amount of 3 representatives of each species. The bird's shoulder joint is a multifaceted joint that is formed by several bones, namely, shoulder bone (humerus), coracoid, collarbone (clavicle) and shoulder blade (scapula). Computed tomography imaging had confirmed that a compact substance, in particular, the tubular skeletal structures of the shoulder joint, had a generally uniform thickness on all sides throughout the perimeter of those structures. However, it should be noted that the features of the internal structure of the skeletal elements of the shoulder joint require studying of more extensive details on significant amount of comparative anatomical material by using both computed tomography and magnetic resonance investigations. Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the conducted computed tomography investigations had established that: Bone structures of the shoulder joint consist of bone rings of the myomere shape, which can be called circular osteomers; the osteomer curves of different bone structures of the shoulder joint of the studied species of birds are of different shapes and bend at different angles that are never sharp; In our opinion, osteomers are divided into solid and soft, that alternating between each other; In some birds, the trabeculae in the shoulder bone have a peculiar, oblique relatively to the longitudinal axis of the bone, orientation that in its shape resembles the orientation of the muscle fibers in the biparous muscles; The location of these trabeculae forms a "fir-like" construction, the apex of which can have both proximal and distal directions; Coracoids of birds are characterized mainly by longitudinally located trabeculae, although in some cases there are also single transverse trabeculae – the so-called trabecular beams.
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