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Title: Токсикодинаміка Дерозалу в організмі курей
Other Titles: Toxicodynamics of Derosal in chickens’ organism
Authors: Жукова, І. О.
Кочевенко, О. С.
Лонгус, Н. І.
Keywords: кури;Дерозал;ензими;сукцинатдегідрогеназа (СДГ);аденозинтрифосфатаза (АТФ-аза);цитохром-с-оксидаза (ЦТХО);фруктозо-1,6-дифосфатальдолаза (ФДА);лактатдегідрогеназа (ЛДГ);лужна фосфатаза (ЛФ);hens;Derosal;succinate dehydrogenase (SDG);adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase);cytochrome C oxidase (CTCO);fructose 1,6- biphosphonatealdolase (FBA);lactate dehydrogenase (LDG);alkaline phosphatase (AP)
Issue Date: 29-Jun-2018
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Жукова І. О., Кочевенко О. С., Лонгус Н. І. Токсикодинаміка Дерозалу в організмі курей. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 1. № 98-101.
Series/Report no.: № 1;
Abstract: У статті наведені дані щодо токсикодинаміки системного фунгіциду Дерозалу (карбендазиму) в організмі курей. Встановлено, що згодовування його курям впродовж 30 діб у дозах 90 і 900 мг/кг маси тіла не викликало клінічних ознак отруєння, проте більш висока доза сприяла розвитку дистрофічних процесів у печінці і зміні активності її ферментів, що проявлялось підвищенням активності СДГ, ФДФ-А і АТФ-ази і зниженням – ЦТХО, ЛФ і ЛДГ, що свідчить про порушення процесів аеробного окиснення і фосфорилювання та посиленню анаеробного гліколізу.
The article highlights the information concerning the toxidynamics of systemic fungicide and seed treatments Derosal (carbendazim) in organism of chickens, which is a derivative substance of carbamic acid and benzimidazole. It quickly gets inside the plant and can not be washed off by rain. This preparation is used to work up fruit and vegetable gardens as well as melons and gourds including the main ones – seed treatments of wheat, barley and oat. Such seeds are the ones which let the preparation into the forage of agricultural fowls. Moreover, carbendazim is used in medicine as anthelmintic (medamin) to treat nematodes of intestines. It is set that feeding up chickens with Derozal within 30 days in doze of 90 and 900 mg/kg of body weight (the II and the III groups) has not provoked any clinical symptoms of intoxication, however, fowls from the III group are characterized with weight lagging and toxic degeneration of liver. In the process of analysis it is figured out that in 10 days after the beginning of preparation feeding up in distinguished dozes, chickens’ livers of the II and the III tested groups have undergone changes in activity of oxidational enzymes as well as phosphorylation which can be noticed from the increase of activity of aldolase and adenosinetriphosphatase, besides that there has been possible decrease of activity of succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome C oxidase in comparison with the controlled group. There have not been noticed any changes of enzymes’ activity of lactate dehydrogenase as well as alkaline phosphatase. In the 20th and 30th day of daily feeding up with Derosal it is distinguished that the doze of 90 mg/kg of body weight (the II group) has caused the decrease in livers of LDH, CTCO and AP, and adding of 900 mg/kg (the III group) has helped to possible increase of activity of SDG and ATPase as well as decrease of activity of LDH, CTCO and AP. There is a need to underline that a higher doze of Derosal in every tested period (the 10th, 20th and 30th day) has caused a stable decreasing of activity of CTCO in chickens’ liver that shows a drop of intensity of transmission of electrons into oxygen, the violation of the processes of anaerobic oxidation and phosphorylation as well as strengthen of anaerobic glycolysis.
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