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Title: Cухі яєчні продукти та визначення їх безпечності та якості
Other Titles: Dry egg products and definition of their safety and quality
Authors: Цивірко, Інна Леонідівна
Яценко, Іван Володимирович
Бусол, Леся Володимирівна
Париловський, Олександр Іванович
Богатирьова, Аліна Михайлівна
Криворотько, Руслан
Keywords: сухі яєчні продукти;органолептичні показники;фізико-хімічні показники;dry egg products;organoleptic indicators;physic-chemical indicators
Issue Date: 25-May-2021
Publisher: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Citation: Cухі яєчні продукти та визначення їх безпечності та якості. І. Л. Цивірко, І. В. Яценко, Л. В. Бусол, О. І. Париловський, А. М. Богатирьова, Р. О. Криворотько. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2021. № 7. С. 163-166.
Series/Report no.: № 7;
Abstract: В статті наведені дані, що стосуються якісних та безпечних показників сухих яєчних продуктів від різних виробників України. Проведенні органолептичні дослідження сухих яєчних продуктів, а також визначали фізико-хімічні його показники. За результатами досліджень сухих яєчних продуктів оцінені його якісні показники.
With the invention of technologies for processing eggs into dry egg products (EP), the food industry was able to harvest the contents of eggs and store it for a long time, using it when the need arises, and not by the presence or absence of fresh eggs. Transportation was also simplified. Dry egg products include protein egg powder, dry egg yolk, dry mélange, as well as dry omelet - proteins and yolks mixed with whole or skim milk. They have a number of advantages in comparison with frozen egg products and even with fresh eggs. They can be stored for long periods outside refrigerators; they are conveniently used in the confectionery industry, in public catering, and for other culinary needs. Microorganisms do not develop in dry egg powder: they die during the drying of the egg mass. To obtain egg powder, whole eggs, as well as eggs with a damaged shell, but without signs of leakage, with a shelf life of not more than a day after laying, small eggs and frozen mélange after thawing are used. The approximate yield of egg powder with a moisture content of 17% is 27.4% of the used egg mass. The nutritional properties of the powder are almost the same as chicken eggs. The caloric content of egg powder is 542 kcal per 100 g of product - this is equivalent to eight large eggs. Dry EP are divided into two subgroups: for the industrial consumer (confectionery, oil and fat, bakery, meat and other industries) and for the household, as well as catering. Demand for these products is constantly increasing. The technological scheme for the production of dry egg products includes the following operations: receiving eggs, sorting, sanitizing breaking and releasing the eggs from the shell with or without separation into protein and yolk, thawing (using frozen egg products), filtering and mixing, homogenization, pasteurization, drying, packaging, transportation, storage. Dry egg products are stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C and a relative humidity of 75% for no more than 6 months, and at a temperature of 2 °C and a relative humidity of 60-70% for no more than two years. The article provides data on the quality indicators of dry egg products from various manufacturers of Ukraine. Organoleptic studies of dry egg products were carried out, and their physical and chemical parameters were determined. According to the results of studies of dry egg products, its qualitative and safe indicators were evaluated.
Appears in Collections:№7

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