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Title: Вплив удобрення на врожай та якість сої за прямої сівби (без обробітку ґрунту)
Other Titles: Влияние удобрения на урожай и качество сои за прямого сева (без обработки почвы)
Influence of fertilization on yield and quality of soybeans under direct sowing (without tillage)
Authors: Бикін, А. В.
Козачок, О. Л.
Keywords: соя, врожай, якість, добрива, пряма сівба, традиційний обробіток ґрунту.;соя, урожай, качество, удобрения, прямой сев, традиционная обработка почвы;soybean, yield, quality, fertilizer, direct sowing, traditional tillage
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєва
Citation: Бикін А. В., Козачок О. Л. Вплив удобрення на врожай та якість сої за прямої сівби (без обробітку ґрунту). 2016. № 1. С. 134-140
Series/Report no.: Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство;№ 1
Abstract: Висвітлено результати досліджень з вивчення впливу удобрення на врожай та якість сої за прямої сівби (без обробітку ґрунту). Найвищу врожайність та найкращу якість було отримано за внесення N40P60K60 та N60P60K60. Проте перший показник порівняно з аналогічними варіантами за традиційного обробітку був нижчим на 1,05–1,07 т/га. Крім того, уміст «сирого» протеїну був нижчим на 2,30–2,40 %, а жиру більшим на 0,50–0,80 %.
Представлены результаты исследований по изучению влияния удобрений на урожай и качество сои при прямом севе (без обработки почвы). Наивысшую урожайность и наилучшее качество получено при внесении N40P60K60 и N60P60K60. Однако первый показатель по сравнению с аналогичными вариантами при традиционной обработке был ниже на 1,05–1,07 т/га. Кроме того содержание «сырого» протеина было ниже на 2,3–2,4 %, а жира больше на 0,50–0,80 %.
Research on agrochemical assessment on an application of different Nitrogen fertilizers input number with a P60K60 background for direct sowing of soybeans with a comparison to similar options with plowing. Variants with different input number for Nitrogen fertilizer on the Phosphorus-Potassium background (P60K60) were studied in conditions of direct seeding and traditional tillage. In control, a variant was applied P60K60, in other variants number of Nitrogen increased from N20 to N80 with N20 increments. Seeds of soybean variety Merlin of the first reproduction (registered in the State Register of sorts in 2008) were seeded using seeder of zero cycles SuperWalter W1770. In areas with direct sowing, fertilizers application was performed with disc cultivator Vaderstad Carrier 400 oт a depth of 3–4 cm. The system of traditional cultivation included: disking with the predecessor (10–12 cm), autumn plowing (25–27 cm), preplant cultivation (10–12 cm). The following mineral fertilizers were used in the experiment: Ammonium Nitrate NH4NO3 (GOST 2–85) Ammophos NH4H2PO4 (GOST 18918–85) and Potassium Chloride KCl (GOST 4568-95). A sampling of soybean plants, laboratory analyzes, and biometric measurements was carried out according to existing methods. The results of our studies conducted in conditions of the left bank of Dnipro river of forest-steppe zone of Ukraine had shown that for obtaining of high yields with the application of saving technologies it is required to apply a reasonable amount of nitrogen fertilizers (40–60 kg/ha) on the background of P60K60. In control variant (P60K60) yield varied from 2.26 to 2.43 t/ha. The application of Nitrogen fertilizers of 20 kg/ha with Phosphorus-Potassium nutrition background facilitated the growth of the yield. Thus, the increase in yield was 0.74 t/ha, which was 31 % more compared with the control variant. Application of Nitrogen fertilizer of N80 had no effect on the yield growth, which was for 0.04–0.17 t/ha lower compared to the variants with the application of N20P60K60, N40P60K60, N60P60K60. This was due to the need for this element in the early growth and development of plants period. After appearing of nodules on soybean roots, the necessity for additional Nitrogen fertilizer supply reduced significantly. The results confirmed the reduction of productivity in cases without prior preparation of soil for sowing. For direct sowing yield was for 0.45–1.07 t/ha lower compared to the traditional cultivation variant. This was due to the formation of optimal physical characteristics of the seed bed and root layer by plowing. The results of our research showed that content of "raw" protein was the lowest in control variant and reached 37.2 % level. In the version with N60P60K60, this figure was the highest and reached the level of 39.8%, which was for 2.70 % more than in the control. It should be noted that application of mineral fertilizers in the norms of N20P60K60, N40P60K60 and N60P60K60 increased this figure for 0.30, 1.20 and 0.90 % respectively. Protein and fat were formed using carbohydrates contained in the seed. So the reduction of the amount of fat and increase of the amount of protein is a natural inverse correlation. A tendency to the growth of the content of "raw" protein on average for 1.10–4.20 % and reduction of fat content for 0.30–1.50 % in similar fertilization variants is established for conventional tillage compared to direct sowing. Thus in the direct sowing variants with N40P60K60 and N60P60K60 input the highest yield was obtained, which was 3.21 t/ha. In the first years of direct sowing application, soybean yield was lower compared to similar variants of conventional cultivation. Nitrogen fertilizer application on the background of Phosphorous-Potassium nutrients facilitated the growth of the "raw" protein content, compared to the control. Mineral fertilizers did not significantly affect the fat content growth. In the traditional system variant, this figure was for 0.30–1.50 % greater than in direct sowing variant.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету імені В. В. Докучаєва : зб. наук. пр..- Харків. Серія, Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство, екологія ґрунтів. 2016 № 1

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