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Title: Туризм на сільських територіях в контексті розвитку несільськогосподарської зайнятості
Other Titles: Туризм на сельских территориях в контексте развития несельскохозяйственных занятости
Tourism in rural areas in the context of non-agricultural employment development
Authors: Лісовий, А.В.
Сікач, А.А.
Keywords: сільські території;туризм;агротуризм;сільський туризм;відпочинок в селі;сельские территории;туризм;агротуризм;сельский туризм;отдых в деревне;rural territories;tourism;agrotourism;rural tourism;rest in the village
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2020
Publisher: Харків : ХНАУ
Citation: Лісовий А.В., Сікач А.А. Туризм на сільських територіях в контексті розвитку несільськогосподарської зайнятості. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Економічні науки. 2020. № 1. С. 228-239
Abstract: А.В. Лисовый, А.А. Сикач. Туризм на сельских территориях в контексте развития несельскохозяйственных занятости. В статье освещены направления решения проблем развития туризма на сельских территориях, доказано, что сельский туризм может стать решением проблемы безработицы в сельской местности, стать локомотивом развития сельской социальной инфраструктуры и повысить доходы сельского населения, привлекая его к несельскохозяйственной занятости.
A.V. Lisovyi, A.A Sikach. Tourism in rural areas in the context of non-agricultural employment development. The directions of solving the problems of tourism development in rural areas covered in the article. Rural tourism can be a solution to the problem of unemployment in rural areas, become a locomotive for the development of rural social infrastructure and increase the income of the rural population, attracting it to non-agricultural employment proved in the article. Rising the level of rural unemployment, in the absence of new jobs, means serious social and economic problems for the government: increasing rural poverty, intensifying migration, reducing the tax base for rural taxes, and so on. Non-agricultural employment in tourism has the potential to reduce these threats. The success of agrotourism depends on the coordinated work of various members of society: authorities, public organizations, travel agencies and international organizations. Each of these entities has its own interest in rural tourism and plays an important role. The rural society is provides in this type of activity because it provides additional income to the owners of household and their neighbors. Local government can provide tax benefits to those who involved in the provision of tourist services. The central government should support this initiative, because it is the only type of tourism that does not require foreign investment, but cam improves the tourism image of our country. In addition, agrotourism support is the support of the rural реорle and agriculture in general. The role of travel agencies is irreplaceable in the implementation and advertising of a new tourism product – «vacation in the village». International organizations can provide sponsorship and expert support to the project. Public organizations have a special role in the development of agrotourism. They are unite the people, allow defend their interests, improve their skills, teach them, and help to promotes agrotourism idea and tourism services directly.
Appears in Collections:Вісник ХНАУ №1

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