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dc.contributor.authorКравцова, Я.О.-
dc.contributor.authorМельник, О.В.-
dc.identifier.citationКравцова Я.О., Мельник О.В. Механізоване (контурне) обрізування плодових дерев (огляд літератури). Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія : Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання. 2017. №1. С. 76-85.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractКравцова Я.О., Мельник О.В. Механізоване (контурне) обрізування плодових дерев (огляд літератури). На основі проаналізованих джерел наукової літератури висвітлено аспекти застосування механічного (контурного) обрізування плодових насаджень. Розгля- нуто особливості застосування різних строків механічного обрізування в країнах світу. Обґрунтовано доцільність проведення наукових досліджень.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractY.O. Kravtsova, O. V. Melnyk. Mechanized (contour) pruning of fruit trees (literature review). On the basis of the analyzed scientific literature, the aspects of the use of mechanical (contour) cutting of fruit trees are highlighted. Peculiarities of application of different mechanical cutting time in the countries of the world are considered. The expediency of carrying out scientific researches is substantiated. Pruning trees is an important agricultural event, the necessity of which is caused by biological features of growth and crops of fruit cultivar and challenges facing the modern industrial orchads. Pruning creates a different shape of the crown, limiting the size of the aerial part, effectively regulate the growth, fruiting and light conditions on fruit plants. Rational pruning improves drought and cold hardiness fruit trees and extends the productive period of the plants. In connection with the introduction of dense planting schemes, industrial fruit plantations of high relevance gained height restriction and size crowns. Crowns restrictions appropriate not only from the perspective of economics and production of fruits, not least its positive impact on the physiological state of plants. Size restrictions crowns can reduce the costs of manual labor is 2.9 - 3.6 times, 11 - 19% increase in the yield of Apple trees in full fruiting period (33 - 46% in orchards older), significantly improve the marketable quality of apples and increase profitability. Recently mechanical (contour machined) pruning production was successfully tested in various areas of horticulture and countries around the world. The techniques and methods of pruning have zonal character. The degree and duration of cropping in each case determine, the age, strength and growth habit of plants,taking into account the crown shape, tendency to formation of vertical growth in the upper part of the crown (after reducing the height of the trees), planting density, level of agricultural technology. The technology of fruit wall (Mur Fruіtier) with contour pruning, developed in France,used for most cultivar of apple. Contour pruning of apple trees first introduced in early summer period, with 12 leaves on shoots, later it did when shoots have 8-10 leaves. Early summer pruning of shoots with 8 to 10 leaves improves the differentiation of generative buds and colouring, but a bit reduces the level of sugars (without loss of density and acidity). In recent time optimal term of contour pruning for the small-fruited cultivar of apple consider the phenological stage pink cone, improving the ratio of leaf / fruit color of apples and providing a more active formation of generative buds on the ends of the shoots. Contour pruning during flowering will optimize tree growth, increases yieldand size of apples. For individual cultivar of apple in horticultural farms of Western Europe introduce contour cropping after harvest, this improving the fruit size without affecting their color and chemical composition. The crown relatively small trees with narrow fruit wall is better able to penetrate the chemical means of plant protection. Spraying a smaller amount of the working fluid improves air regime in settlements near the garden of the arrays, which is especially important for the horticultural regions. Therefore efficient methods and timing of mechanical pruning have a positive effect on the condition of the foliage, the size and quality of the fruit, causing less stress to the plant and provide active formation of generative buds, eliminating the periodicity of fruiting, so their study in soil and climatic conditions of major regions of the industrial horticulture of Ukraine is important.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractЯ.А. Кравцова, А.В. Мельник. Механизированная (контурная) обрезка плодовых деревьев (обзор литературы). На основе проанализированных источников научной литературы освещены аспекты применения механической (контурной) обрезки плодовых насаждений. Рассмотрены особенности применения различных сроков механической обрезки в странах мира. Обоснована целесообразность проведения научных исследований. Ключевые слова: яблоня, плодовая стена, крона, генеративные образования, механическая (контурная) обрезка, срок обрезки.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків : ХНАУuk_UA
dc.subjectплодова стінаuk_UA
dc.subjectгенеративні утворенняuk_UA
dc.subjectмеханічне (контурне) обрізуванняuk_UA
dc.subjectстрок обрізуванняuk_UA
dc.subjectплодовая стенаuk_UA
dc.subjectгенеративные образованияuk_UA
dc.subjectмеханическая (контурная) обрезкаuk_UA
dc.subjectсрок обрезкиuk_UA
dc.subjectfruit walluk_UA
dc.subjectgenerative education of mechanical (contoured) cropuk_UA
dc.subjectcropping perioduk_UA
dc.titleМеханізоване (контурне) обрізування плодових дерев (огляд літератури)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeМеханизированная (контурная) обрезка плодовых деревьев (обзор литературы)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeMechanized (contour) pruning of fruit trees (literature review)uk_UA
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання" №1

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