Browsing by Author Rudenko, Serhii

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Cost management systems as a factor in increasing the price competitiveness of products of agricultural enterprisesMarenych, Tetyana; Rudenko, Serhii; Nakisko, Oleksandr
2019Development of agribusiness of Ukraine: an innovative aspectBabenko, Vitalina; Rudenko, Serhii; Nakisko, Oleksandr
2020Factors of development of competitive advantages of agricultural enterprises of UkraineOrel, Anna; Rudenko, Serhii; Nakisko, Oleksandr
2022Operation and development management of economic entities in European integration conditions: information service, mechanisms, digitalization = Управління функціонуванням та розвитком суб'єктів господарювання в умовах євроінтеграції: інформаційний сервіс, механізми, цифровізаціяAntoshchenkova, Vitalina; Akimova, Nataliia; Baban, Tetiana; Bezghinova, Liubov; Boiarynova, Iryna; Vasylishyn, Stanislav; Koptieva, Hanna; Kravchenko, Olha; Lutsenko, Olena; Maliy, Olena; Naumova, Tetiana; Nesterenko, Iryna; Rudenko, Serhii
2022Production and economic potential of agricultural enterprises: Their correlation, approaches to assessment, accounting and managementRudenko, Serhii
2019Role of the state in support of the promising area of the innovative-investment model for development of processing companies in UkraineRyzhikova, Natalia; Birchenko, Natalia; Rudenko, Serhii
2023Trends in the development of technology transfer in the international environmentKviatko, Tetiana; Nakisko, Oleksandr; Rudenko, Serhii