Browsing by Author Kashchena, Nataliia

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Accounting engineering and digital tools for modeling the accounting and analytical support system for environmental safety managementKashchena, Nataliia; Nesterenko, Iryna
2023Bioeconomy development perspective in Ukraine on the basis of clustering: EU experience implementationNesterenko, Iryna; Kashchena, Nataliia
2024Development of a sustainable bioeconomy: experience of the european union and opportunities for UkraineKashchena, Nataliia; Nesterenko, Iryna
2024Devising a methodological approach to identifying the economic potential of production costs for eco-innovative productsNesterenko, Iryna; Kashchena, Nataliia; Chmil, Hanna; Chumak, Oksana; Shtyk, Yuliia; Nesterenko, Oksana; Kovalevska, Nadiia
2023Digitalization of biocluser management on basis scorecardKashchena, Nataliia; Nesterenko, Iryna; Chmil, Hanna; Kovalevska, Nadiia; Velieva, Vitoriya; Lytsenko, Olena
2019Digitalization of Economic Activity Management and Sustainable Enterprise’s DevelopmentDavydova, Oksana; Kashchena, Nataliia; Staverska, Tetiana; Chmil, Hanna
2023Digitalization of environmental safety management as a tool for ensuring sustainable developmentKashchena, Nataliia; Nesterenko, Iryna
2019Economic activity of enterprises: methodical aspects of assessmentDavydova, Oksana; Chebanova, Nataliya; Kashchena, Nataliia; Chmil, Hanna; Protsenko, Valentyna
2020Enterprises’ economic activity stimulation as a driver of national economy sustainable developmentKrutova, Anzhelika; Kashchena, Nataliia; Chmil, Hanna
2021Entrepreneurial characteristics as factors of human developmentSavytska, Nataliia; Kashchena, Nataliia; Chmil, Hanna; Muda, Iskandar; Olinichenko, Kateryna
2019Formation of the stakeholders account model in conditions of sustainable developmentKarpenko, Lidiia; Koev, Stoyan Radev; Kashchena, Nataliia; Grushko, Victor; Khorosheniuk, Andrii
2023Intelligent information systems for monitoring and managing environmental safety in the focus of the european green dealKashchena, Nataliia; Nesterenko, Iryna
2021Monitoring of natural capital indicators as tool for achieving sustainable development goalsKashchena, Nataliia; Kovalevska, Nadiia; Nesterenko, Iryna
2022Organizational and methodological aspects of audit of integrated reporting of enterpriseKashchena, Nataliia; Kovalevska, Nadiya; Nesterenko, Iryna
2021Scientific and applied platform of trade enterprises economic activity digital management transformationKashchena, Nataliia
2019Structuring economic security of the organizationPylypenko, Kateryna; Babiy, Irina; Volkov, Nelia; Feofanov, Lev; Kashchena, Nataliia
2024Students’ Communicative Inclinations as an Element of Assessment of their Emotional Intelligence in Terms of Education for Sustainable DevelopmentKoshkalda, Iryna; Savytska, Nataliia; Kashchena, Nataliia; Dombrovska, Olena; Nesterenko, Iryna; Surkova, Viktoria
2020Sustainable Development of Enterprises with Digitalization of the Economic ManagementDavydova, Oksana; Kashchena, Nataliia; Staverska, Tetiana; Chmil, Hanna
2024System Support of Enterprise Innovation Development Management in the Focus of Sustainable Development Values and BioeconomyKashchena, Nataliia; Nesterenko, Iryna
2022Theoretical and methodological aspects of improving the functioning of the accounting systemNazarova, Halyna; Kashchena, Nataliia; Nesterenko, Iryna; Kovalevska, Nadiia; Kashperska, Anastasiia