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Title: Information and knowledge in human evolution (to the basics of social informatics)
Authors: Chursin, N.
Keywords: formalization;capacity building;intelligence;human survival;external memory of mankind;evolution of mankind;information
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харьков : Міськдрук
Citation: Chursin N. Information and knowledge in human evolution (to the basics of social informatics) Наука 21 века: консолидация науки в условиях системных социально-культурных трансформаций : коллективная монография; под науч. ред. С. А. Заветного, В. А. Ильганаевой. Харьков : Міськдрук, 2017. С. 259-287.
Abstract: One of the mankind critical problems still remains the knowing its own nature, as well as the laws that determine the development trajectory of the human species in the biological history of the planet and allows, perhaps, to predict its future.
ISBN: 978-617-619-198-8
Appears in Collections:Наука 21 века: консолидация науки в условиях системных социально-культурных трансформаций

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