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dc.contributor.authorСмольнякова, Наталія Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorВолосов, Анатолій Михайлович-
dc.identifier.citationСмольнякова Н.М., Волосов А.М. Суть і зміст асортиментної політики торговельного підприємства: понятійний базис. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2016. Вип. 1(23). С. 65-77.-
dc.description.abstractДосліджено та систематизовано сучасні наукові підходи до трактування суті асортиментної політики торговельних підприємств за чотирма напрямами. Виокремлено комплексний підхід до визначення її змісту та обґрунтовано доцільність доповнення його такою сутнісною характеристикою, як збалансованість цілей відносно зацікавлених сторін.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe importance of trade enterprises assortment policy orientation to meeting customers’ needs necessitates determining approaches to assessing its effectiveness according to this orientation. The theoretical basis of these problems solving is understanding of assortment policy content and essence of its effectiveness. There are four main areas of approaches differentiation to defining the essence of the concept «assortment policy». The first area characterizes assortment policy as the system of principles, rules or views on the assortment formation and development. Under the second orientation assortment policy is developed through the assortment formation process. The third approach characterizes the assortment policy as set of measures for assortment management. The fourth approach suggests considering assortment policy as composite category. All of them have certain disadvantages. We consider that the assortment policy is course of actions to manage the trade assortment. This course of actions includes specification of strategic objective and current tasks; balance between all interested parties (customer, competitor, enterprise); development and substantiation of means, methods and forms of strategic objective achieving; definition of real resources providing of plan implementation. The proposed addition for the purposes balancing is an important aspect, which should be taken into account during the development of assortment policy, since there are certain contradictions between some of the objectives. Thus, the implementation of the objectives which are aimed at the buyer may not be the same as the aim of the enterprise to get maximize profit. The reaction to the actions of competitors with the aim of maintaining or improving the market situation may also be in conflict with the desire to increase profit. The preferential orientation of the enterprise for realization of any one objective can cause mediocre or negative results for other objectives. The proposed definition reflects the content of assortment policy and corresponds, in our opinion, to the main principles of management science. It points to the objectives according to level and periods of implementation; selection of targeted means of assortment management; determine the need of resource support for the objectives implementation.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectасортиментна політикаuk_UA
dc.subjectуправління асортиментом-
dc.subjectкомплексний підхід-
dc.subjectассортиментная политика-
dc.subjectуправление ассортиментом-
dc.subjectкомплексный подход-
dc.subjectassortment policy-
dc.subjectassortment management-
dc.subjectcomplex approach-
dc.titleСуть і зміст асортиментної політики торговельного підприємства: понятійний базисuk_UA
dc.titleThe essence and content of the assortment policy of trade enterprise: a conceptual basis-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (23)

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