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Title: Vectors of Competitive Development of Socio-Economic Systems
Authors: Mandych, Oleksandra
Pokusa, Tadeusz
Keywords: scientific developments;socio-economic systems;innovative tools;strategic management;innovative development;social production;national economy
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Opole : The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole
Citation: Vectors of Competitive Development of Socio-Economic Systems : monograph / Edited by O. Mandych, T. Pokusa. Opole : The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2020. 168 p.
Abstract: The monographic study presents the scientific developments of a team of authors who reveal various areas and aspects of modern socio-economic systems, which include the following areas: innovative tools for socio-economic systems, strategic management as a basis for competitive enterprise development, and innovative development trends modern organizations. The monograph is devoted to the formation of innovative tools for the development of socio economic systems. The current state, features and trends of development require socio-economic systems to constantly search for the latest forms and methods of management, as well as alternatives through the introduction of changes aimed at economic growth. Moreover, economic growth is the main indicator of development and prosperity of each state and at the same time is the most important characteristic of social production. The parameters of economic growth are widely used in assessing the state and prospects of the national economy, and its potential is the key to forming a mechanism for the effective functioning of various sectors of the economy in the country. The unfilled capacity of the Ukrainian market (goods and services) in the field of agribusiness, virtually unlimited potential for the development of tourism and environmental production in Ukraine create all the necessary conditions to increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises.
ISBN: 978-83-66567-15-3
Appears in Collections:Монографії

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