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Title: Сучасні підходи до планування комплексу маркетингу банку
Modern approaches for planning marketing mixof a bank
Authors: Семенюк, Людмила Петрівна
Keywords: маркетингова стратегія;комплекс маркетингу;продуктова стратегія;цінова стратегія;дистрибуційна стратегія;комунікаційна стратегія;маркетинговая стратегия;комплекс маркетинга;продуктовая стратегия;ценовая стратегия;дистрибуционная стратегия;коммуникационная стратегия;marketing strategy;marketing complex;product strategy;pricing strategy;distribution strategy;communication strategy
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Семенюк Л.П. Сучасні підходи до планування комплексу маркетингу банку. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2017. Вип. 1(25). С. 256-269.
Abstract: Розглядаються особливості розробки продуктової, цінової, дистрибуційної та комунікаційної стратегій у процесі планування комплексу маркетингу банку, їх вплив на цільовий ринок, обґрунтовуються шляхи їх подальшого вдосконалення на основі реалізації сучасних підходів, що сприяє підвищенню ефективності системи управління банком та забезпечить переваги у конкурентній боротьбі.
The complexity of bank management process requires the establishment of appropriate management system. The efficient operation of such system is impossible without widespread introduction of marketing into banking. Strengthening the role of marketing component in the management of the bank requires developing marketing strategy and effective measures for its implementation. The large importance is given to the marketing complex. For each of its elements the separate strategy is developed in order to influence the target market. According to this, the following strategies are available: product, pricing, distribution and communication strategies. Product strategy plays a crucial role in planning of the marketing complex. During its development, the goal hierarchy should be clearly defined and established. Based on this hierarchy the most effective methods for marketing influence on banking should be chosen. Choosing of pricing strategy depends on rating of the bank, the amount of market share it controls and the specific economic and political situation. The goals of this strategy may change depending on time factor, market conditions and financial conditions of the bank. Among the objectives of pricing strategy: to maximize current income; to hold position on the market; market leadership; product quality leadership.64 Distribution strategy allow solve the problem of delivering banking products to consumers through the efficient organization of sales. When building a distribution strategy, it is appropriate to implement an integrated approach that involves improving traditional channels (via subsidiaries and branches) and the development of alternative (distance) channels of banking products distribution (internet banking, mobile banking, ATMs, POS-terminals, etc.). Communication strategy of the bank aims at ensuring the effective impact on the target audience, the goal of which is to encourage existing and potential customers to use services of the bank. For this purpose, the special set of marketing communications is used. It includes advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing. Introduction of modern approaches to the development of product, pricing, distribution and communication strategies allows to determine the most effective ways to improve and further develop the marketing complex of the bank, thus increasing the efficiency of bank management under present conditions and will ensure its competitive advantages.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (25)

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